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Is the Dogma of “Soul Ties” Scriptural and how does it connect to “Soul mates” and “Twin flames” Relationships? Renette Vermeulen © Copyright Now Unbanned Publications; all rights reserved
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SUBJECTS DISCUSSED IN THIS STUDY: 1. God’s directions in relationships are crucial to avoid and survive soul ties or people addictions. 2. Scriptural Overview. 3. Scriptural Worldview. 4. The distortion of love and desire abysmally affect reality, morality, and human behavior. 5. Soul ties include idolatrous relationships, feuds, and more unnatural perversion. 6. Breaking soul ties is not easy, but in Christ all things are possible. 7. Overcoming soul ties begin with destroying mind fog and attachment. 8. Conclusive Summary.
GOD’S DIRECTIONS IN RELATIONSHIPS ARE CRUCIAL TO AVOID AND SURVIVE SOUL TIES OR PEOPLE ADDICTIONS In the occult, ‘soul mates’ are based more on mutual understanding than on passion; sharing emotional and spiritual similarities on a mind level. ‘Twin flames’ are bound by extremely intimate passion. They are supposedly “two halves of the same soul (or mind) and spirit.” Their bond transcends every facet of being human and allegedly began long before they+ “reincarnated” into this ‘new’ life. Reincarnation is nonexistent. “Man is destined to die once and after that the judgment,” (Heb. 9:27-28.) Yet, both these mind-fuses are connected by ‘soul ties’ or soulical bondage that represents their “oneness” in various ways. While these two bonds are seen as positive, “soul ties’ usually take the negative stage. All these dogmas originated from New Ageism, Platonism, and other pagan beliefs. ► ‘Soul Ties’ in particular was made into a christian doctrine by using Bible verses where phrases such as “be not yoked together with unbelievers” are used. ► But that does not show the real picture of ‘soul ties.’ It seems what happened between David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel 18:1-4 and 2 Samuel 1:23 proves that ‘soul ties’ are real. It specifies, “...The soul of Jonathan, [the son of king Saul,] was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul… They made a covenant [that this bond would be carried through their generations.] So Jonathan gave him his [princely authority,] his royal robe and armor… [When Jonathan was killed, David said EVEN DEATH WILL NOT DIVIDE THEM.]” ► This sounds something like ‘Twin Flames.’ Yet in context, it does not imply homosexuality as some allege, but tremendously loyal ‘soul mate’ adoration. ► While this seems natural and innocent, it is a great example of the power of soul-tie adulation in both pre-mortem and post-mortem addiction to moral as well as evil people. ► It boggles the mind, but soul ties are even prevalent in abusive relationships, where victims see tyrants as “good,” even “wonderful people.” ► Christians hail this Biblical example as ‘soul mates.’ However, person-addiction that defies God’s Word, creation principles, and Moral Law is WITCHCRAFT AND IDOLATRY, (1 Sam. 15:22-23.) Still, such covenants and connections to the deceased flourish in both the occult and christianity, though they sinfully supersede God’s description of genealogy and social connections. ► Both blessings and curses are spiritual and cannot pass through physical ‘bloodlines,’ (Ezk. 18:4-23.) ► “Inherited ancestor curses” are lies. God actually said in Exodus 20:1-6, [virtues and] “iniquities” of ancestors, [which manifest in behaviors,] “visit,” [teach or influence the behavioral choices] of next generations, (Ex. 20:1-6.) ► Also, “the dead knows nothing. They have no more reward. The memory of them [must rather be] forgotten [than fixated on. Both their goodness and evil have perished with them.] Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun,” (Eccl. 9:5-6.) ►► A bereavement period for the loss of a loved one, (either through death, rejection, or abandonment,) is natural and necessary to process the shock or trauma, grief, even anger, and longing for the person. However, God forbade the grief-stricken to harbor soul ties with people. That will result in obsessive attempts to communicate with either the living or the dead, and to hold them vast to “keep them alive or in a relationship[” at any price. The Lord commanded, “Do not follow the abominations of pagans… There must NOT be found among you anyone who tries to call up the dead, [as demons will appear, not loved ones…] (Deut. 18:1-12.) And do not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead [and other losses…]” (Lev. 1928.) Do not harm yourself either spiritually, physically, or psychologically to cope with love, loss, sorrow, anger, or other emotion. ►► Jesus’ serious warning of family (and other people) adoration, “to love them more than God,” (Mt. 10:37-38,) points directly to self-destructive soul-tie IDOLATRY. The devil use idolatry to move the focus from God to sinful control of the mind or soul, (2 Cor. 10:3-7; Rom. 1:22-23!) This is exactly what Satan and his minions aim for. ► Hence, the constant “battle” to “overcome” all kinds of addiction, (the mind-bondage of soul ties as well,) is to replace lies and deceit with Multilevel Truth.
►► SCRIPTURAL OVERVIEW: Humanity consists of personal human spirits, minds or ‘souls,’ (where the free will, intellect, and emotions are seated;) housed in physical bodies, (1 Ths. 5:23.) Bible Scripture typifies sincere family interactions, marriages, and friendships as deep, unselfish mind or soul-affection, which is always secondary to our love for God, (Mt. 22:36-40.) This manifests in mutual, self-controlled emotions and behaviors that form and support Godly relationships — not ‘ties, bonds, or flames.’ ►► Godly love is NOT a mix of mere feelings but decided “agape or love in deed and truth,” (1 John 3:28-29.) Agape calls for the crucifying of worthless religious beliefs and soulical urges to live in a constant, Scriptural relationship with Christ, (Acts 21:21-25; Gal. 2:20.) ► To really desire God is the unfathomably deep urge to live in truth and righteousness and to glorify Him in every decision. This is only viable through complete submission to Him above everything, (Rom. 12:1-2.) ► So, the desire for Godly human interaction is the foundation of Scriptural interpersonal relationships. ► For instance, the desire to marry a Godly spouse is what God ingrained in humanity at creation, (Gen. 1: 27-28; 2:20-24.) Just as a relationship with God, interpersonal relationships must be based on respect, honesty, trust, sincerity, and faithfulness — which mirrors healthy self-love, (Mt. 22:36-40.) ► Human relationships are guided by Jesus’ ‘golden rule.’ He commanded, “In everything, do to others what you want them to do to you. This is [obedience to] God’s [everlasting, inward Moral Law,]” (Heb. 10:16; Jn. 13:34-35.) ► As long as a relationship with God and interpersonal relationships with people remain healthy, agape love and holy desire remain on a mental level and cannot be seen as “spiritual connections.”
►► SCRIPTURAL WORLDVIEW: The mind of man was corrupted at the fall, (Genesis 3:12-13; 16-19.) Since then, the ‘love’ that most humans have for God is based on religious self-adulation, self-enhancement, self-importance, greed, and lust. And yes, lust operates freely in all religions — especially in distorted christian praise and worship! Agape-love and Godly desire were murdered at the fall, and that decay still reeks through time unto this day to contaminate all of humanity, (Rom. 5:12.) ► Things like occultic soul mates, twin flames, and soul ties supposedly mean the same as Godly love and desire. Instead, worldly ‘love’ is shallow, shackled selfishness and abusive eroticism, while desire was distorted into wild, euphoric lust, (1 Pt. 5:8.) To various degrees, all worldly relationships are based on this deadly brew that dulls the drunken minds of men. ►► The practical consequence of all that is elated immorality, which “ties [corrupt] souls” together in different ways and degrees, (1 Cor. 6:15-20.) Perverted love and lust form demonic toxin. It also contains selfish, excessive yearnings that continually escalate into stronger growing excitement. ►► This is where ‘soul ties,’ which operate on a mental level, wildly escalate into ‘spiritual bonds’ or Christ-defying mind control, (1 Ths. 5:23.) In fact, the mere image of ‘Twin Flames’ conjure up the idea of burning, uncontrolled lust and insatiable, mindless hunger for excitement through immoral behavior. This mostly operates under forced restraint and occultic lust. ► So, ‘soul ties’ of all kinds control and ‘inflame’ people at the same time. The widespread destruction it causes can never be irrelevant. Billions of souls are at stake.
THE DISTORTION OF LOVE AND DESIRE ABYSMALLY AFFECTS REALITY, MORALITY, AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR It seems that sexual immorality, based on lust and perverted love, is not clearly connected to christianized ‘soul ties.’ It is an inarguable reality that sexual immorality instantly escalates worldly ‘love,’ which energizes people on a mind level to move soulical connects into spiritual bondage. ► This is so because it is the immediate exchange of demons from both sides, (1 Cor. 6:15-20.) Such reckless sin copies the pagan notion of ‘soul ties’ and its occult companions. ► As more powerful demons come in control through immoral practices, further mind corruption takes over; destroying sober mindedness, free will, and healthy emotions! (Mat. 5:27-30.) ► If it were not for the grace of God and true repentance, (which is the ability to choose “plucking out the eye or cutting off the hand that causes stumbling,”) sexual immorality can remain irreversible. Such powerful mind and spirit damage often change entire worldviews. ►► Both raw occultism and christianity do not see ‘soul ties’ like that and much of God’s Truth is perverted in the process, which proves that soul-spirit bondage is a fact. ► 1 Corinthians 6:15-20, (paraphrased,) Your bodies are members of Christ… He who is joined to the Lord [through the spiritual rebirth] is one spirit with Him. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you… and you are not your own. Thus, glorify God in your body, mind, and spirit, which are God’s. For he [or she] who is joined to a [male or female] harlot is one body with her [or him.] For the two, [either through marriage or sexual immorality] will become one flesh, [emotionally, physically, and spiritually.] SO FLEE SEXUAL IMMORALITY. You sin against your own body, [as you join yourself body, mind, and spirit to the bodies, minds, and spirits of male or female harlots; making you ONE with them!] How gruesome and hazardous is that!
‘SOUL TIES’ INCLUDE DANGEROUS IDOLATROUS RELATIONSHIPS, FEUDS, AND MORE UNNATURAL PERVERSION According to what Jesus said about family relationships, they are the most intricate soulical attachments and must be handled with care. Even what seems like Godly interactions can pivot on the enablement of narcissistic attachments through secret ‘soul ties’ between controlling, abusive parents, siblings, children, cousins, friends, co-workers, and so on. ► In paganism and christianity, family relationships are seen as ‘blood bonds,’ which ‘should not be broken.’ ► However, the Lord Jesus said He “did not come to bring [literal] peace on earth but the sword,” which is the truth of God. As not everyone will submit to His Word, that sets parents, children, in-laws, and other loved ones against His disciples. “Their [greatest] enemies will be those of their own households.” But if they do NOT endure rejection and persecution for God’s sake, they “LOVE THEM MORE THAN GOD,” which is IDOLATRY. Thus, “they CANNOT BE HIS DISCIPLES… AND WILL LOSE THEIR LIVES,” (Mt. 10:34-38.) ► So, due to the fallen nature of humanity, (Romans 5:12,) even Scriptural relationships can be difficult, draining, destroying connections. ►► For those who submit to any kind of soul-tie bondage, Paul explained how it can also escalate into unspeakable sexual sin among family and friends, (Ex. 20:1-6; Romans 1:18-32.) He wrote, “Although God shows Himself [as the Creator of the universe, so no one has an excuse to think otherwise,] they loved the creature rather than the Creator and changed the glory of the Incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man… [They even make God into statues, images, and a sinful man to justify their beliefs, passions, and deeds.] (Exodus 20:3-5.) So God gave them up to uncleanness to dishonor their bodies [in uncontrollable lust] among themselves… [These ‘soul ties’ stretch much further than same-sex immorality.] Women and men exchanged the natural for what is against nature; burning with lust for [their own genders;] committing what is shameful,” (Romans 1:18-32.)
BREAKING ‘SOUL TIES’ IS NOT EASY, BUT “IN GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE,” (Mat. 19:26.) Despite the reality of “soul ties” that ‘bind’ ‘soul mates’ and ‘twin flames’ on physical, soulical, and spiritual levels, any passionate connection can change overnight into a long-standing quarrel or family and other feud. If the Lord’s disciples rightly REFUSE to bow down to ‘soul-tie’ control, most of these are never resolved on this side of the grave. ► True believers were fully delivered from all darkness at their rebirth in Christ, (Jn. 1:12-13; 3-3-6; Eph 1:12-14.) Still, traumatized people often remain abnormally tied or mentally ‘addicted’ to those who abuse, drive them crazy, and discard them. This is known as treason and trauma bondage. They feel disorientated, lonely, empty, anxious, hopeless, and are often at a loss to define their worth or sanity. Yet, the suffering they were exposed to, (especially through sexual assault,) can churn perceptions and emotions to such an extent that victims can become protective in their “love” for their abusers. This is a type of mental self-defense to survive abuse. It refers to the silly saying, “If you cannot beat them, join them.” ► People addiction usually becomes a realization during and after the death of a loved one, or through relational “barriers,” (aggravating behavior that hamper communication,) and “breakups” of any kind. ► Though the shock at the death of a loved one seems different than trauma bonding, both addictive longing and irrational yearning do the same harm if left unresolved. It continuously strengthens its emotional grip and trips up attempts to move forward to resolution, acceptance, healing, and a ‘new life.’ ►► The occult and christianity form the platform for the ‘soul ties’ doctrine. Although it is misapplied to God’s Word by arrogant religious ‘deliverers,’ it remains a psychological and spiritual reality. Especially in cases such as violent assault, kidnapping, and war internment, it is known as “Stockholm Syndrome.” This refers to inhumanely abused victims, who see their murderous oppressors as “gentlemen and heroes.” In common trauma and treason bonding it is mostly known as “narcissistic abuse.”
OVERCOMING SOUL TIES BEGINS WITH DESTROYING MIND FOG AND ATTACHMENT “Cutting soul ties” or stopping people-addiction, (Matthew 10:37-38,) must be a personal choice as every other significant move in life. No one needs senseless ‘scissor’ rituals or nonexistent church ‘deliverance!’ (Acts 17:24-25.) What we accumulated in our minds over time, need time to be resolved. Everything God allows that goes beyond finite human control is a learning curve. We are indeed in the lifelong School of The Holy Spirit. It is a waste of time to think that anything creditable can be learnt by jumping over obstacles, (Isa. 43:1-2!) ► The Lord Jesus Christ never resorted to complex psychiatry or worthless religious ‘sacraments’ to destroy bondage. Under His N.T. Covenant, He gave the full answer to it all in one sentence. He stated, “If you abide in My Word you are My disciples indeed and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free! Therefore, if Christ Jesus makes you free, you are free indeed! (Jn. 8:31-32,36.) ►► Isaiah 5:20-21 described a huge problem caused by soul ties, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; darkness light and light darkness; bitter sweet and sweet bitter, (Isa. 5:20-21.) Such misinterpretation leads to disobedience to God, which demons will use to cause a loss of self-control and reality of self, people, and surroundings. That confusing mixture prevents the cleansing of the soul from enslaving emotions! ► But God commanded to be “sober minded and vigilant” to overcome lies and deceptions! (1 Pet. 5:8.) ► “He is NOT the author of [chaos and] confusion but of order,” (1 Cor. 14:33.) Only seeing good as good and evil as evil can bring Light to the senses. ► Even traumas through uninvited rape and ravage are treated this way. The battle is for the mind, but the onslaught comes from the spirit world. ►► Soul ties and other bondage can only be torn apart by a systematic soulical detox God’s way. Seeking the truth of His Word, oneself, and the behavior of other people will wash mind-fog away to comprehend the situation, (Jn. 8:31-32.) ►► Thus, soul ties can only be destroyed by personal choice and intensely seeking the Face and Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, to expose the underlying misconceptions that uphold them. Understanding motivations and situations will lead to the truth about everyone and everything. ► This includes the personal enabling of abusers by NOT withstanding their abuse sternly enough. It also refers to personally neglected precautions to elude entrapments, which abusers set up to push and taunt victims into sin and self-destruction. But confession of sin [and repentance] cleanse from all unrighteousness, (1 Jn. 1:5-10.) ►► When the serious CHOICE is made to do personal and situational evaluation, the truth will be revealed. Thus, invented ‘heroism’ of abusive people, as well as delusional dependency on them will fall. ►► When the sufferers of ‘soul ties’ deal with their own shortcomings, they will be able to handle their people (and other) addictions. To weigh those who victims are “tied” to, (who they really were and are, and what they actually did and do against the truth of the situation and the commandments of God,) will settle uncertainty and self-doubt. This is called “working out your salvation.” It means, by figuring out how to overcome dilemmas, the soulical and spiritual DELIVERANCE from ‘soul ties’ can begin, (Phil. 2:12-17.) ►► As soon as the truth exposes the roots of ‘soul ties,’ victims must DECIDEDLY CHOOSE to CUT IT ALL OFF through TOTAL SEPARATION from everyone they fixated on. This includes everything that was used to addict them! If possible, an attempt to resolve it from both sides can assist in deliverance and healing, (Luke 17:1-3; Jam. 5:16.) But wisdom and caution are needed here. No one can decide for anyone else. Further personal endangerment must not be allowed. In either case, there cannot be any turning back or allowing any interference with the life-saving DECISION TO DRASTICALLY DETACH from it all. ► After that, full resolution can only manifest by KEEPING to every realization received and decision made before the mercy throne of God; laying it all down to experience His powerful deliverance and healing. Let there be only ONE UNFAILING SOUL MATE from now on: the Perfect Lord Jesus Christ who owns all souls, (Eccl. 9:5-6; Ezk. 18:4.) ► In this way, conquerors surrender to Jesus themselves, everyone, and everything that affect their lives. In line with this, FLEEING physically and emotionally from demonic bondage and influences is essential to control personal feelings and decisions, which can tie them again to bondage and suffering.
CONCLUSIVE SUMMARY: ►►► Hebrews 4:12 promises, “The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. [Using discipleship, repentance, and obedience,] it divides between soul [or mind] and [born again, blood-cleansed human] spirit,” which is perfect in Jesus, (Col. 2:9-10.) Thus, the sword also cuts loose the free will, thoughts and emotions, so disciples can also worship God in “spirit and in truth” on a soulical level, (Jn. 4:21-24; Rom. 12:1-2.) ► The Word then “cuts between joints and marrow,” to sever victims emotionally from sinful desires and abusers to whom they were physically, emotionally, and spiritually “tied” through sorrow, temptation, violence, and especially sexual sin. That joined them to become “one;” desecrating not only their bodies, but also their souls and spirits, (1 Cor. 6:15-20.) ► But the Word is also “a discerner of [the deepest] thoughts and intents,” to show whom they idolized and how they were enslaved to them, (2 Cor. 10:3-7.) ► This is how the Word and Spirit, working with obedience to the Moral Law and Godly choices, rescue sufferers chained to ‘soul tie’ addiction. Without God and His Everlasting Word, soul ties would have continued to plague them by keeping them bound to people addiction. But by God’s grace, they allowed the Living Word, Jesus Christ, to sever it from their souls, (Heb. 4:12.) ► After that, they need to continually rely on the Lord to help them abstain from all unrighteousness, (1 Ths. 5:21-22; 1 Jn. 1:5-10.) This will protect them to the end against everyone and everything that can connect them to ungodliness, (1 Jn. 5:18-19.) At long last, soul-tie slaves are then fully redeemed by the blood Covenant of Christ, the control and power of the Holy Spirit, and the protection of His mighty, holy angels. All glory to our Almighty God; the Greatest Counselor in the universe! IDOLATRY, “God’s” inherited ancestor curses, demons, and evil bloodlines” · Narcissists are everywhere and they are dangerous predators of destruction · Narcissists work with demonic power and are addicted to sex, power, and control The Great ‘Deliverance’ Deception Þ How to Sever Personal Relationships with Satan How will I know if I have a demon and Witches and Curses - can believers be cursed? Personal responsibility and accountability form the crux of a fruitful life in Christ Blessing or curse — the choice is yours Miracle Healing — Fake or Real? Forty-Day and other Old Testament Fasts accompany “healing” in churches? · “Deliver us from evil and Restore our souls” The struggles of people who were sexually abused are multifold Dealing with Abuse and Abusers God’s Way The Power of Praise in Deliverance from Affliction · How to Sever Personal Relationships with Satan · Avoid getting stuck in relationships with control freaks · Great, Irreconcilable Differences between Psychiatry and Scriptural Truth · Believing spirits without “testing” them is to “exalt ourselves above the knowledge of God”
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