You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

“We claim a Great, Global, End-Time Revival, which will Save the Whole World!”  What does Jesus Say about This? 


Renette Vermeulen




   [Acknowledgement to the person who published this image]






Extended article from the Facebook Post, May 2018 

[Bible verses are from the Amplified Bible 1964, Zondervan Publishers.] 

Related Article: Can our Charity (Love) save people and change the world


Jesus never used the word “revival” in the New Testament — for a very good reason. 

To understand ‘revival,’ we must first remember that during these serious end-time days, the doctrine of Universalism is taught in some way or another by all churches.  Universalism teaches that everyone can choose what they want to believe and no one will face retribution for rejecting and disobeying Jesus’ Scriptural Word.  Everyone can supposedly go to heaven “as they understand salvation” or according to “the light they have received” in their churches. 

The serious question we must ask about Universalism is: If Jesus Himself is The Only Light, Truth, Life, and Way, which church can give people salvation, redemption and blessing through its man-made doctrines and so-called ‘saving’ sacraments? 

There is no light in any form of darkness — and lies are usually mingled with truth, but that still makes them “darkness.”  John explained in 1 Jn. 2:4, “Whoever says, I know Him [I perceive, recognize, understand, and am acquainted with Him] but fails to keep and obey His [New Covenant] commandments is a liar, and the Truth [Jesus Himself and His Word] is not in him.”  And Jesus warned through Paul in Gal. 5:7-9, “...Who has interfered [hindered and stopped you from] heeding and following The Truth? [Jesus and His Word.]  This [evil] persuasion is not from Him Who called you, [Who invited you to freedom in Christ.]  A little leaven [a slight inclination to error or even just one false teacher] leavens the whole lump, [it perverts the whole concept of faith and so misleads the whole church.]”  Universalism is a very dangerous misconception that leads millions of believers to everlasting damnation. 

Deception, according to Jesus’ teachings, typifies our end-time world on all fronts of life — and sadly, especially on the Christian front.  Answering the disciples’ question, when the end of the end time will come, Jesus warned in Mt. 24:1-46 that deception and false preachers will control the Christian world. 

Mercifully, in step with this terrible, global onslaught on all His believers, He also promised that “the good news of [His spiritual] Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, [so that no one will have an excuse at His return.]  And then the end will come,” (verse 14.)  This is exactly what is happening now.  Deception is everywhere, but for the first time in all of history, Jesus’ true servants are also ‘everywhere;’ spreading the real truth of His Word to minister sound, contextual teaching from the Scriptures.  Firmly attached to this promise, Jesus also gave this instruction to true believers, (verse 13,) “But he who endures [in Me and My real Scriptural Truth] to the end, will be saved.” 


What does Scriptural “revival” really mean? The word “revival” does not exist in the New Covenant.  However, Jesus’  concept of “revival” remains the same throughout the Bible, but it is vastly different from “worldwide church revival.”   

“Revive” is the word we find in the Old Testament.  It always means to “wake up,” “strengthen,” “uplift our hearts,” or “to get fresh zeal.” Thesaurus describes this word as follows: “revitalize, renew, perk up, breathe life into, restore, refresh…” 

But, we may ask, how can Scriptural revival not connect with the salvation of the whole world?  Didn’t Jesus say in the end times “[His true] Gospel will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come?” 

The reason why neither Jesus nor the apostles prophesied a mega, worldwide “revival,” despite the wonderful fact that the Gospel is now preached throughout the whole world, is that neither Jesus nor the apostles had church “revivalin mind. 

Church “revival” means making more and even greater mega churches worldwide, based on entertainment, money, mad spiritual manifestations, and the doctrine of universalism.  Merely collecting great numbers of people was never Jesus’ aim.  He said, “Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I Am in die midst of them,” (Mt. 18:20.)  Bringing people to true salvation, redemption, and blessing in Him was the reason why God Himself became a mere man (Col. 2:9) to atone in full for everyone’s lostness, bondage, and cursedness, (Gal. 3:10-14) so that “everyone [who willingly chooses] to accept Him, will not perish, but have [present tense] eternal life!”  (Jn. 3:16.) 

To answer the question concerning “the salvation of the whole world through a massive church revival,” one must  understand what the origins, form, and function of the church system is, and how it compares to Jesus’ true body of believers and their assembly called “the ecclesia.”  Now, in the serious end of the end-times we are living in, God seriously calls His true believers, “His people,” to leave that system and not to partake of her “plagues,” (Rev. 18:4.)  It is, therefore, according to true church history and Bible Truth, impossible that God would want “the church” to swallow the rest of the world as well. 

Hence, in Jesus’ New Testament Word, “revival” in terms of global salvation is completely impossible.  We also find the reason for this in the huge difference between the Two Testaments of the Bible.  

During the Old Covenant, “revival” meant the whole nation of Israel had to “return to God’s Truth and Ways through repentance from sin,” and that was on a national level.  During the eternal New Covenant in Christ, the concept of “revival” means exactly the same, although the word “revival” is not found in the New Testament, because it is now on a spiritual and personal level, although God’s Truth is being preached internationally, (Jn. 3:16; 1:11-13; 3:3-5.) 

This is because, during God’s Old Testament Covenant with the Hebrew nation, Hebrew believers had to “get” God’s anointing or power, wisdom, leading, teaching, etcetera, time and again, when the Holy Spirit “came upon” them from the outside through the mediation of a human priest.  This is why the Hebrew nation had to be “revived” every now and again.  The Spirit could not yet indwell them personally because full atonement for their position or state of sin without God did not yet exist, (Jn. 7:37-39.)  Thus, God merely manifested His presence in the physical, Old Testament temple, and over them as a nation through the mediation of human priests and prophets like Moses and Elijah, (Heb. 7:12.)

However, under the New Testament Covenant, Jesus is the Final and Complete Sacrifice for all sin, for all those who, worldwide, would choose to accept and follow Him.  “To them, He has given [His complete] power [through His indwelling Holy Spirit] to become the [personal] children of God, to them who [sincerely] believe in His Name, [and thus were born again from God Himself,]” (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; Gal. 4:6-7.)  Because all true believers are completely cleansed by His blood, they are  constantly and completely indwelt by His Holy Spirit, (Acts 2.)  Jesus said, He “does not give the Spirit by measure,” (Jn. 3:34.)  The Spirit does not “come upon” them like under the Old Covenant.  On a personal level, since that day at Pentecost until the “end of this world,” (Mt. 28:19-20,) He constantly lives in them AS their Life, Strength, Guide, Teacher, Power — and everything they might need in this life.  “They [all] already have [present tense,] the [full] anointing of the Spirit abiding in them,” (Jn. 2:20; 27; Eph. 1:13-14.)  The Holy Spirit never leaves His temple of believers until the ‘end of this world,’ (Mt. 28:19-20.) 

They are utterly “complete in Christ,” (Col. 2:10.)  They will never again have a physical human being stand between them and God in a mediating position like the Old Testament priesthood did for the Old Hebrew nation, (1 Tim. 2:5.)  Jesus is the Only, Eternal, and Final Prophet, High Priest, and Mediator between God and man, (Heb. 1:1-14; 4:14-16; 1 Tim. 2:5.)  Jesus Himself now intercedes for them and empowers all His true believers on all levels of life, (Heb. 4:14-16.)  Thus, true believers cannot be “revived” like the Old Testament believers were “revived.”  True believers all have the “Spring of living water inside them; flowing [continually] from their innermost being,” (Jn. 4:14; 7:38-39.) 


What then, is keeping New Covenant believers from turning the “whole world to Christ?”  First of all, Jesus does not preach Universalism like mega churches do, where everyone can believe what they choose to believe, and be saved.  He “Narrowed” national and even international salvation down to Himself; The One God and One Person, (Col. 2:9,) the Man Jesus Christ, and declared, “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me,” (Jn. 14:6.)  Then, He warned those who accepted Him, “He who says, I know Him, but does not keep My [New Covenant, Moral Law] commandments, is a liar.  The Truth [Jesus is The Truth] is not in him,” (1 Jn. 2:4.)  So, He stated in Mt. 7:13-14, “Narrow is the Gate and difficult is the Way that leads to [eternal] Life, [Jesus Himself, found only through the Truth of His Entire Word… therefore,] few are those who [choose to] find [and follow] it.  But wide [easy] is the [universal church] gate and broad [nice] is the way [church doctrine] that leads to destruction, and many go in by it...” to find “another gospel, another Jesus, and another spirit,” (2 Cor. 11:3-14.)   

Does this sound as if Jesus approved of the mega-church doctrine of Universalism and sacramental church membership, which form the core of “a global revival, that will turn the whole world to [another] Jesus?”  

The things that pulled the Israeli nation of the Old Testament away from God into idolatry, witchcraft, spiritual apathy, lukewarmness, passivity, and eternal death, are still doing the same to New Covenant believers today.  Among these count the sins of idolatry, (placing personal pleasure, family priorities, people, manmade doctrines, and temple structures before the Living God, Acts 7:48,) and witchcraft, (following and obeying their own sinful thoughts and lusts — and the sinful thoughts and lusts of other people.  Jesus warned in 1 Sam. 15:23, “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” 

Þ This is why, in Old Testament Scripture, where the word “revive” is found, Jesus’ New Covenant concept of revival is different from Israel’s national salvation, but absolutely relevant to the spiritual condition of New Covenant believersJesus addressed the sins of Old Israel just like He addresses the sins of His body of believers today.  Ps. 80:14-19 is a good example of what New Covenant believers must pray. “Turn again, we beseech You, O God of hosts!  Look down from heaven and... regard [the work of Your hands!]…  Let Your [indwelling Holy Spirit convince and convict all Your believers of sin]… Then will we not depart from You; revive us [through sincere repentance and obedience to Your New Covenant Word,] and we will call upon Your Name.  Restore us [by Your forgiveness for our sins,] O Lord God of hosts; cause Your face to shine [in pleasure, approval, and favor on us through Your complete atonement in our place,] and we shall be saved!”  And in Ps. 119:25-27, “My earthly life [my flesh or sinful thoughts that yearns to sin, Rom. 8,] cleaves to the dust [or the things of this world.]  Revive [convince and convict] and stimulate me according to [the truth of] Your Word! I have declared my ways and opened my griefs to You; [which is the forgiveness of, and repentance from my sin,] and You listened to me.  Teach me Your statutes, make me understand the Way of Your precepts; so shall I meditate on and talk of Your wondrous works, [and be revived from the spiritual death of false beliefs, which bound my thoughts to darkness; leading me to commit idolatry and witchcraft!]” 

The old prophet Isaiah gave us Jesus’ answer to these calls for personal “revival,” and His Word still echoes through the ages, “I will expose your [pretended] righteousness and doings, but they will not help you.  When you cry out [for new life and salvation,] let your collection of idols deliver you!  But he who takes refuge in Me… will inherit My holy mountain [the spiritual Zion or heaven, Heb. 12:22.] And the Word of One will go forth, [the truth of My Word:] Cast up, cast up, prepare the Way [by preaching My true Gospel, Mt. 28:19-20.]  Take the stumbling block [of church doctrine and other sins] out of the way [of the spiritual return] of My people.  For thus says the high and lofty One — He Who inhabits eternity, Whose Name is Holy; Who dwells in the high and holy place, but with him also who is of a thoroughly humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the thoroughly penitent [bruised with sorrow for sin,]  (Isa. 57:12-15.) 

In New Testament/Covenant context, Jesus explained this “bruising with sorrow for sin” and His resultant “revivalin the innermost being and thoughts of those who choose to follow Him in His Light through repentance from sin and obedience to His Word.  [This too, cannot be compared to the mega-church ‘revival’ in their outward ‘prosperity.’]  He declared in Mt. 5:3-5, “Blessed, [happy, to be envied, and spiritually prosperous - with life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor and salvation, regardless of their outward conditions] are the poor in spirit, [the humble, who rate themselves as insignificant, although they are spiritual kings and priests in My Kingdom, Rev. 5:9-10,] for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!  Blessed and enviably happy are those who mourn [now in this life,] for they will be comforted [for all eternity!]” 

So, true revival comes in the “innermost being” of every believer, who sorrowfully repents and turns wholeheartedly to God to obey His will.  Revival, as described in the Old Covenant, is one-on-one in the New Testament, between God and the repented believer.  It calls for death to sin and self.  It calls for a “new creation” in Christ, (Gal. 2:19-21.) 


It is time for the bride of Christ (and yes the bride is the body of Christ) to “trim the wicks of their lamps,” or “revive” their spiritual lives by repenting from anything that will blur or smother their spiritual vision or “light,” in anticipation of the arrival of the Bridegroom. Jesus said in Jn. 8:31-32, “If you abide in [the truth of] My Word you are My disciples indeed. And [then] you will [progressively] know the [whole] truth [through the Spirit of Truth Who constantly indwells you, Rom. 8:9; 1 Jn. 2:20, 29,] and the Truth [about my Word and all your circumstances] will set you free [from the power of deception.]”

Þ The lack of the love for Jesus’ real truth, therefore, is what every deceiver on earth uses to prey on our lives on earth, our eternal lives, and everything God had entrusted to us in the here and now.  “The coming of the lawless one [read what Jesus said to them in Mt. 7:21-24!] is according to the working of Satan, with all [false serpent or kundalini] power, signs, lying wonders, [does this sound frighteningly familiar?] and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they [chose not to] receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved,” (2 Ths. 2:9-10.) 

Þ No one will ever perish without knowingly choosing deception, because the Holy Spirit came to “convince the [whole] world, [or everyone of mental capability and at the age of accountability] of sin, righteousness, and judgment [without Jesus,]” so that no one will ever have an excuse on Judgment Day, (Jn. 16:8.)  However, if people choose to reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit in their innermost being and also in their logic thoughts, (their souls or minds,) He will leave them to their firm decisions, (1 Ths. 5:23.)  So, people who perish, perish by their own unrepented, bad choices. 

However, deception is a fine satanic art. This is why we dare not entertain deceivers – honor them, follow them, or cling to any of their dangerous doctrines and manipulative ways. Here follows the New Testament Warning of the True Jesus of the Bible, (1 Jn. V. 9-10,) “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the [truth of Jesus’ Word, chooses] not [to] have God. [Deception, just as salvation, is a choice.] He who abides in [the truth of Jesus’ Word] has [Jesus. Because aligning ourselves with deceivers is so dangerous,] if anyone comes to you and does not bring [Jesus’ true Word,] do not receive him into your house [as a spiritual friend or preacher,] nor greet him [in the Name of Jesus,] for he who [makes him a brother] shares in his evil deeds.”

This is not about common courtesy but about totally abstaining from evil. False church doctrine is a most dangerous kind of evil. It is directed at abolishing our eternal lives in heaven, not just at "exploiting" us and making us into "utensils" for evildoers here on earth – as if exploitation and such abuse isn’t bad enough, (2 Pt. 2:1-3.)

Just these few statements from Jesus’ own mouth also clarify the matter of unanswered prayers and a lack of personal “revival,” which lead “lawless” churches to invent their own gospels and miracles to “make God perform.”


The reality is that Jesus described this end or the end-time, filled with deception, chaos, and unspeakable sin, as “The Days of Noah and Lot,” not as a time of worldwide “revival or the ‘restoration’ of the whole world,” (Mt. 24:37-39.)  So, to declare such a ‘revival’ is a lie, and to pray for a worldwide church “revival” to “save the whole world,” is praying against Jesus’ own Word and Prophesies.  James warned in Jam. 4:2-5, “We do not receive because we ask amiss… [Spiritual] adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the [false religious] world is enmity with God…” God wants us to call upon Him from a pure heart and with pure intentions – according to the guidelines of His New Covenant Word as the Holy Spirit leads us.

Thus, we cannot ask God to save the whole world, because salvation is a personal choice and God will not override free will to abduct people to heaven, (Jn. 1:12-13.) When Jesus taught us to pray, “…Let Your Kingdom come…” He was not referring to a kingdom-now or Bethel Church’s heaven now here on earth or turning this bad world into a ‘good’ world by ‘saving’ the whole world through Universalism. His Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom inside His born again temple of believers, (Jn. 18:36; 1 Cor. 3:16.) Thus, Jesus was saying we must pray for His true Gospel to reach every lost and deceived soul in this world, who would be willing to personally believe in Him, (Mt. 28:19-20; Jn. 3:16,) and for the Holy Spirit to call every person on earth spiritually “out of darkness into His marvelous [eternal Kingdom of] light,” (1 Pt. 2:9-10) whether they heed His call or not. 

Similarly, we cannot ask God to change the real, contextual; Scriptural prophesies that came from His own mouth, (read Mt. 24; Lu. 17:20-37,) to make this world into a better world. This fallen world will go from bad to worse “like in the days of Noah and Lot,” Jesus said.  The entire planet is, therefore, destined for the fire at His return, (2 Pt. 3:10-14.) 

Þ 2 Ths. 1:8-10, warned, “...When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in a flame of fire, [not purifying fire of persecution, but this time, the fire of eternal judgment,] to deal out retribution upon those who do not know God, [unbelievers,] and those who [ignore and] refuse to obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  These will suffer the punishment of everlasting ruin and exclusion from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes, in That [One] Day, to be glorified in His saints…”  In that once-off return of Jesus to save His saints and punish the wicked, there will be no second chances through a so-called ‘second’ return, as churches teach.  God will never reverse the imminent destruction of this world, which the people of the world continually choose.  It was all prophesied in the context of New Testament Scripture to warn the true body of Christ concerning the times we are now living in. Only at Jesus’ return, (Rev. 11:15,) “when the [last trumpet 1 Ths. 4:16] or the [last or] seventh angel sounds… The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord…” when Jesus "will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire,” (2 Ths. 1:7-10.) 

Of one thing we can be certain: Jesus will “never leave us nor forsake us,” as long as we stay at His feet, (Heb. 13:5.) He will, under all circumstances, protect, help, guide, and supply all the needs of His true children through it all. But we will never ‘bend His arm,’ or ‘reverse His words’ to do life (and the end of these end-times) our way.

Þ A “worldwide revival” is only one of the many end-time pitfalls.  Did Jesus give us the authority to ‘change’ the leaders and decided members of these churches? No. Must we pray for them? Yes – especially for the opening of the eyes and minds of their captives, because those leaders  know exactly what they are doing.

And what now, while we are still living under all these satanic attacks of false doctrine? Eph. 5:11 commanded, “Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them [to warn the believing, blood-cleansed body of Christ, which is real, Godly love for Jesus…]” 

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