You will know the truth and the truth will set you free |
Unitarianism: Unitarianism is a “one-god” doctrine, which rejects the doctrine that God is “three different or divine persons or gods in one.” (A ‘divine person’ is a god.) It also rejects the Divinity of Jesus Christ. It holds the Christian universalism belief that everyone can go to their understanding of ‘heaven’ through their “higher power.” (E.g., Buddha, Jesus, Hinduism, Judaism…) All people will allegedly be “restored” and “saved,” no matter how they lived or what they believed. Both Judaist “Shema” and Muslim “Tawhid” declare “one god” without any of the “manifestations” or “attributes” of Oneness Pentecostalism or Jesus-Only. Christian Unitarianism declares one deity in one person, while omitting the Scriptural Being and Nature of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as Jesus explained in Jn. 14:16-17, “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper that He may abide with you forever — the Spirit of truth, Whom the [unbelieving religious] world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be [constantly] in you [after the once-off outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,]” (Mt. 28:19-20.)
Polytheism: This is the worship of several deities or gods such as in Hinduism, Buddhism, and all types of ancestor worship. All these ancestors are worshipped as ‘personal’ gods and ‘mediators’ between them and their primary god, not ‘merely’ as ‘spirits.’ Polytheism is also practiced in the Christian worship of personal ancestors, as in the Zionist Movement. In Roman Catholicism, prayer offered to the deceased ‘Mother’ Mary and their church’s dead ‘saints,’ is also ancestor worship. In fact, speaking to and worshipping the deceased form idolatry and witchcraft, which God forbade in Deut. 18:10-14. Mormonism believe in their own version of the trinity as three different gods without the so-called “agreement” that “binds them together.” They incorporate “Heavenly Mother” as “god’s wife,” just as in Roman Catholicism, who “make gods [their deceased church members] on different planets” in the afterlife.
Monotheism: Monotheism means the worship of the Highest, One God as described in the whole Bible. In monotheism, God is the Only Creator; the Only All-powerful (omnipotent,) All-knowing (omniscient) God; the Only God Who can save, redeem, bless, protect, and provide all our needs. Monotheism is the Scriptural belief, (both Old and New Testament,) that God is the Only One, All-Good God, but not according to Modulism or Unitarianism. In Isa. 45:21-22, the God of The Scriptures testifies,“...There is no other god besides Me... For I Am God, and there is no other.” Jesus also declared in the New Testament, “The first of all the [Moral Law] commandments is: ‘Hear O [believers of God,] the Lord our God, the Lord is One [Inseparable] God,” (Heb. 8:13; Mark 12:29.)
Dualism or Binitarianism: This means, two (dual) ‘divine persons’ (or gods,) each with its own, completely different or opposite character, (as in light and darkness, good and bad, good and evil, male and female;) integrated into one god.
[Acknowledgement to the people who compiled and published these images] Above, first three images on left: Symbols of Binitarianism or the worship of two gods in ‘union’ or in ‘one:’ the creator/destroyer or light/darkness; male/female; and good/bad gods as in Chinese Jin and Jang, and in various other forms of paganism. Above, the last image on right: The father/son Binitarianism of Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide church of God.
Herbert W. Armstrong fathered the Worldwide Church of God and made more than 200 false prophecies. He also said there are two completely separate, divine persons [or gods] in “the Godhead” of the Bible, and he cited as “proof” of this dogma Stephen’s dying words, “I see… the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” (Acts 7:56.) [Trinitarians also use this verse to prove their “three ‘divine persons’ in agreement.”] Armstrong adapted his version of Binitarianism from the Roman Catholic/Protestant trinity and mason Joseph Smith’s polytheist Mormonism, (the worship of a ‘divine family’ as many gods, from which the Latter-Day Saints and the Pentecostal-Charismaticism sprouted;) the Sacred Name Movement; the masonic Jehovah’s Witnesses, and the Seventh Day Adventists. In addition, Armstrong applied British Israelism to America, on which the Zionist, Messianic Judaism, Kingdom-Now dogmas of preacher John Hagee and Company also stand. Thus, Armstrong taught that America is the so-called “divinely chosen, ten lost tribes of Israel” - his reason why everything seems ‘bigger and better’ in America. Sadly, the masonic, Old apartheid government in South Africa being Calvinists, also saw (and still see) themselves this way. Armstrong defined his blended, dual-god or Binitarianism polytheism as follows, “The Christian Godhead is a family currently made up of two personages, the Father, whom Jesus revealed, and the Son, Jesus Himself. [Next, is where Joseph Smith’s Mormonism shows its ugly head.] However, the Godhead will later expand to include billions of personages, [or deceased human gods,] as the destiny of humans, if they obey the Law of God and keep the faith of Jesus.” Hence, Armstrong taught that ‘true Christians would eventually become god beings.’ Moreover, “The Holy Spirit is not a third divine person [or god] of the Godhead. Rather, it is the power that emanated from God the Father and Jesus Christ that can be in mankind making us one with them [all these many gods] and enabling us to keep God's commandments as Jesus did…” [From] The prophetess of Seventh day Adventism, Ellen White, was also extremely confused about the Scriptural term, which describes the humanly indescribable God of the Bible, “The Godhead,” or “Godliness,” (Col. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:16.) Cogwriter commented, “In 1890, Ellen White declared, ‘The Son of God shared the Father's throne, and the glory of the eternal, self-existent One encircled both.’ This phrase harmonizes perfectly with her later statements (especially Desire of Ages, 530) that Christ is "self-existent" and that His Deity is not "derived" from the Father. It is also possible, however, to read the sentence from a binitarian (two-person godhead) or even semi-Arian (christ inferior to the father) perspective… A pamphlet published in 1897 carried the next major component in her developing doctrine of God — that the Holy Spirit is ‘the third person of the Godhead.’ In contrast, the context of especially New Testament Scripture makes it plain that the God of the Bible is not a ‘dual character,’ two-person god, or the god of both good and evil, light and darkness, etcetera. The True Monotheist God of the Scriptures, (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is a Mono (or One,) all-good, inseparable, single-minded God. James and John explained, “Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” And “in Him there is no darkness at all.” No double-mindedness, lies, deceit, evil, or darkness can be mingled with The Light, the All-Holy God of the Bible! (Jam. 1:17; 1 Jn. 1:5.)
Monotheistic Tritheism or Trinitarianism: This is the Trinity dogma. ‘Monotheism’ means the worship of one god. ‘Tritheism’ or ‘Trinity’ means the worship of three separate, ‘divine persons’ or gods in union with one another. Wikipedia Encyclopaedia explains this Roman Catholic doctrine, which was inherited by masonic Protestants during the Reformation, as follows, “The Christian doctrine of the trinity defines God as three [completely different individuals or] ‘divine persons:’ the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three separate ‘divine persons,’ [“divine persons” are gods;] are distinct, yet each one is God, and in union, or actually, ‘in agreement with another.’”
The Godhead of the Scriptures: Neither the word nor the concept of “trinity” exists in the context of Scripture. The Scriptural Godhead is the Inseparable, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent “One God” of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as revealed in both the Old and the New Testament Covenant Scriptures. In Acts 17:24-31 He is called “Divine Nature, [the Singular Creator God] in Whom we live and move and have our being… [Therefore,] we aught not to think that the Divine Nature is like silver or stone, [which can be handled, understood, and patterned according to man’s plans and perceptions;] something shaped by man’s devising. [Which, as we will see, is exactly what the Roman Catholic Vatican did in their ‘creation’ of their trinity dogma.] “Truly, those times [of ignorance about Who Almighty God really Is, and the great lack of knowledge of the real truth of His Word,] He overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent [from their false teachings about God and His Word,] because He has appointed a Day [one singular day] on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man [Jesus or God Who became flesh,] Whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.” The Godhead of the Bible or “Divine Nature” commanded the physical Old Hebrew nation in Old Testament Deut 6:4, “Hear O Israel, [you are set apart from the paganism and polytheist idolatry of the world all around you, because] The Lord your God, the Lord, is One [God!]” [And there is no other god besides Him…] Jesus confirmed this Old Covenant commandment in Mark 12:29, saying, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear [all believers,] the Lord our God, the Lord is One! [He is One God — but not as described in Unitarianism, Modulism/Jesus-Only, Trinitarianism, or any other manmade dogma.] And you will love the Lord your God [or the One God] with all your heart, soul, (mind,) and strength.’ This is the first [or most important] commandment…” Paul taught this first commandment of Jesus in Cor. 8:5-6, saying, “Even if there are so-called gods… For us, there is One God: the Father, of Whom are all things and we for Him, and One Lord Jesus Christ, through Whom are all things, and through Whom we live…” Paul echoed Jesus Himself, Who repeatedly declared, “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me…” (Jn. 14:11.) This is neither Binitarianism nor Trinitarianism. Through all their teachings, John, Paul, and the other apostles never forgot the Holy Spirit of “the Eternal Power and Godhead,” (Rom. 1:20,) Who “convicts of sin,” makes spiritually alive all those who choose to personally accept Jesus as their Lord, Redeemer, Savior, Blessor, and God, and teaches them all things as “He leads them into all truth,” (Jn. 16:8-9; 6:63; 3:16; 14:26; 16:13.) All these works of the Holy Spirit are verbs — which Jesus-Only or Modulism William Branham’s “impersonal force such as fire and wind” are incapable of doing.