You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

Did God’s Marriage Covenant Change so We may Divorce At Will, not just because of Adultery?


Renette Vermeulen



[Acknowledgement to the person who published this photo]








According to the teachings of Jesus, it is clear that the rabbis of the Old Testament Covenant lied to Old Israel about marriage and divorce, (Mt. 19:1-10.)  Thus, clergies are still lying to us today, (2 Pt. 2:1-3; Mt. 5:31-32.) 

Sadly, someone alleged, “Some vows [meaning the marriage covenant] were made to be broken!” 

As always, the question remains, What does God say about that statement

That declaration is not in the truth of Scripture, as it seems that Jesus gave us permission to divorce only on the grounds of adultery.  Even though that teaching promotes the rights of abused women — a legitimate cause —  divorce, as marriage, is a very serious decision with life changing consequences for everyone involved.  None of us should ever rush into any covenant or the annihilation of a contract light-heartedly, for God commanded us to keep our vows and promises as far as possible, (Ps. 89:34; Mt. 5:37.)        

Do not get me wrong:  I do not condemn, (as in sending souls to hell like only God can do,) divorcees or anyone else in any way, as we all live by God’s grace and need the blood-covenant of Jesus Christ to be redeemed, saved, blessed, and healed.  None of us can say that we do not sin, (1 Jn. 1:7-9.)  There are many legitimate causes that DO sanction the dreadful choice of divorce.  However, let us judge all the teachings of the churches to follow God through the contextual truth of His Word, to also realize how serious marriage — and divorce, (if there exists no other recourse,) really is, (1 Ths. 5:21; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.)



Ţ All kinds of sexual fornication (such as adultery) are against nature

Ţ Adultery was punishable by death for a good reason

Ţ “Let no man, [narcissist abusers, unfaithful harlot spouses of both sexes, and interfering parents included,] separate what God has joined together,” Jesus commanded. 

Ţ God commanded us to “submit to one another,” it does not pertain only to women, (Eph. 5:21.)

Ţ Unrepented fornication, adultery, violence, and other destructive behavior do justify divorce 

Ţ Facebook Post August 2016, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible

Ţ Facebook Post, September 2016, A harlot male is a Stud — while a woman is a Whore?”

Ţ Facebook Post August 2016, Speaking out or keeping quiet when spouses check out other women and men, flirt, and commit adultery according to Mt 5:2-30?

Ţ Facebook Post, August 2015I have been asked to write more about marriage

Ţ Facebook Post, 2016, Speaking of marriage as ''not buying horses,'' and illustrating the marriage covenant as two horses, yoked together, drawing the marriage carriage/covenant.



In Gen. 1:27-28, “God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created  them, [both male and female.] Then He blessed them and said to them, [both male and female,] “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth, subdue it, [manage everything as joint heirs and custodians,] and [reign not rule together] over [all the creatures of creation.]”  This was God’s first commandment to male and female humanity, who were both created in His likeness, to manage everything outside their marriage covenant as equals. 

In Gen. 2:18, God described in more detail why He made humanity in two ‘parts:’ namely male and female.  After He first made the man, He decided, “It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make him a helper comparable [equal, similar, akin] to him.”  Then, God joined them in marriage by commanding that ‘the two must become one flesh,’ (one in soul or like-mindedness, one in Spirit through faith in Jesus, and one in body through marriage.) 

Thus, marriage is a holy covenant between one man and one woman; and the ‘two’ in this marriage relationship must remain only two people, who live holy, honorably, in fidelity, sincerely, undefiled, and single-mindedly as “one.” 

Ţ God did not make the man with ‘special marital and other sexual privileges’ because he allegedly has a ‘higher libido’ and so, he is more ‘sex-driven’ and ‘sexually active’ than the woman.  If that were true, God lied when He said He made Adam a wife “comparable to him,” and He would have taken all Adam’s ribs to make him a harem of so-called “wives.”  But “God is not a man that He can lie,” (Num. 23:19.) This story about Sexy Superman is a dirty misogynist illusion, which attempts prove that God “legalized” the promiscuity of men while condemning only the immorality of women.  However, “there is no darkness in God,” (1 Jn. 1:5.)  The incredible abuse of misogyny was written into Scripture by the sinful rabbis of the Old Testament, as well as the illegitimate church clergies of the New Testament, (2 Pt. 2:1-3; Heb. 7:11-19.) 

Ţ In fact, disregarding the precepts of God’s Moral Law, creation principles, and marriage covenant, the Old Testament priests, patriarchs, and kings saw women merely as disposable private property, sex slaves, and servants, while the contextual truth of God’s Word states the opposite, (Gen. 1:27-28! Acts 2:17-18!)  Misogynist beliefs were implanted  in the mind of men by Satan at the fall in the garden, (Gen. 3:12.).  All men inherited this spiritual disease from Adam, which tears God’s holy marriage covenant to smithereens, (Rom. 12:5.) King Solomon, the world’s greatest whoremonger, lied when he turned only women into dangerous, evil tempters.  Strangely, he also disclosed in Proverbs 30:19, “...The way [a man wiles and controls] a maiden [goes beyond understanding.]”  Sadly, the fallen nature women inherited that day at the fall, coupled with the cruel oppression of men, pushed sinful females into disrespect and promiscuity toward men, (Ex. 21:1-11; Mark 7:13.) 

It is important to understand that the marriage covenant is a lifelong commitment.  Thus, according to what Jesus said in Mt. 19:1-11, the death of either spouse and adultery are all that can untie the marriage covenant completely, so that the spouse who outlives the other spouse, or is innocent of the crime of adultery, is free to marry again, (Mt. 19:9.)  This is so because the marriage covenant ends here on earth.  Couples do not remain married to their deceased and adulterous spouses in heaven.  Jesus said, in heaven the human spirits of deceased saints or Scripturally born again believers are like angels, (they do not become angels,) who cannot and do not marry, (Mt. 22:30; 1 Ths. 5:23.)

Ţ Hence, a third person may never enter God’s covenant between these two people, who became ‘one’ in marriage.  Jesus commanded, “What God has joined together, let not man separate,” (Mt. 19:4-6.)  Under Jesus’ New Covenant there is forgiveness for all sincerely confessed and repented sinners.  Yet, the immediate spiritual implication of adultery is that it brings ‘death’ to the marriage covenant.  After this, multilevel upheaval and suffering of innocent spouses and entire family units, follow.  Proverbs 6:32 warns, “He [or she] who commits adultery destroys him/herself [and his/her spouse and family.]”  Strange that someone like Solomon could write this... 

Ţ God explained this stance on the marriage covenant in Malachi 2:15-14.  He asked, “Did I not make [the husband and his wife] one?”  [Yet, the adulterating Old Testament temple priesthood, described in the Book of Malachi, who were the ones who also robbed God of the temple-tithes and offerings in Mal. Chapter 3,] “covered the altar of the Lord with weeping, because He did not regard their offering anymore.  [When they asked God why this is so, He said,] ‘Because I have been witness between you and the wife [or husband] of your covenant, with whom you have dealt treacherously.  [1 Pt. 3:7 also warns that treating your good wife (or husband) badly will “hinder” your prayers.] Yet, she [or he] is your companion and your wife [or husband] by covenant…  Let none deal treacherously with the wife [or husband] of his [or her] covenant.  For I hate divorce, [and adultery will end in divorce,] for it covers your garment with violence…’ (Mal. 2:13-16.) 

Where fornication, adultery, lies, infidelity, manipulation, etcetera, enter a home, chaos, confusion, sorrow, the shaming of innocent spouses and children, hatred, rejection, and violence will follow.  There is no such thing as ‘having an affair.’  Adultery of all types is hatred and sinful, filthy, self-indulging fornication.  It directly attacks the holy marriage covenant as instituted by God Himself, and commits mind murder on innocent spouses and families, (1 Jn. 3:15.) 

Ţ Both fornicating males and females are “prostitutes,” ‘whores,” or “harlots” – not just fornicating women. God never had any other sexual relationship in mind for humanity than the marriage covenant, which He Himself instituted in the Garden in Eden in the form of the lifelong union between one husband and his one and only wife – and visa versa, (Mt. 19:4-6; Eph. 5:3; Heb. 13:4.)  Accordingly, incest, child molestation, rape, bestiality, adultery, polygamy, homosexuality, lesbianism, and every other kind of sexual perversion amount to anti-creational Satanism in both genders. This include so-called ‘consented’ adultery and fornication such as ‘grouping,’ ‘swinging,’ ‘sexual bondage,’ and various other forms of sexual perversion, because all those people actually ‘go after strange flesh’ like the fallen angels did in Genesis chapter 6.  Thus, all sexual sin is against God’s Holy Character, perfect creation, and everything that God  had commanded in His Moral Law of Love, (Jn. 13:34.) 



In the Old Testament, Old Israel rejected monogamy or God’s holy marriage covenant in favor of pagan polygamy, or the keeping of more than one ‘wife’ at the same time.  At the fall in the Garden, the disgraceful sin of polygamy, which is serial adultery, became the norm among the people of the world.  There are even women who indulge in the sin of polygamy, keeping more than one husband. 

Jesus will never violate His own commandments and creation principles, but evil religious mankind do with His Word as they please, as He said in Mark 7:13.  The subject of divorce, which supposedly ‘legalized’ Old Testament/Covenant male adultery by divorce “for any reason,” was the argument between the Pharisees and Jesus in Mt. 19:1-10.  That is why He reminded them that they corrupted His Old Testament law to [fornicate, commit adultery, practice polygamy, and] divorce their wives as they choose, “but from the beginning it was not so,”  (Deut. 24:1-4.)  Wives divorcing husbands did not even enter the picture during that time, no matter how husbands adulterated and fornicated. 

Ţ In Mt. 19:1-10, Jesus referred the misogynist (woman hating) Pharisees to God’s creation principles for male and female in the marriage covenant, (Gen. 2:24 KJV,) and of course, to the joint-role of both male and female as custodians and managers of life in general, (Gen. 1:27-28; Acts 2:17-19.)  God knows all about the destruction and pain that adultery causes.  The sinful Old Testament custom of adulterous polygamy is actually a symbol of how Old Israel and later, the man-made church system, constantly rejected their Mono or One God to embrace polytheism; the worship of many gods.  As all Old Israel’s other idolatrous practices, the shameless adultery of their priests and the polygamy of their patriarchs and kings such as David and Solomon, were neither sanctioned nor condoned by God, (Mal. 2:14-15; Deut. 17:17-20.) 

Ţ God abhors anti-creational sins such as fornication and adultery so much it was a capital crime  in Old Israel.  His Old Testament law commanded that both male and female fornicators/adulterers and therefore, polygamists too, had to be prosecuted before “a court of law;” the rabbinical rulers called the “Sanhedrin.”  So, instead of rejecting God’s creation principles and adding precepts to God’s Old Testament Law to protect themselves so that they could commit adultery and practice polygamy, those priests, kings such as Old Solomon, and patriarchs should have been sentenced to death according to God’s commandment in Lev. 20:10-27.  It states, “The man who commits adultery… the adulterer and the adulteress, [the woman he commits adultery with,] will be put to death…” 

The “third party” in adultery was/is just as guilty as the adulterous spouseEven in secular law, (it is being changed now throughout the immoral world,) “third party adultery,” which is the act of having sex with a married person; “alienation of affection” or “enticement,” (drawing that person away from his/her marriage partner and family,) is punishable by law.  So, if the ‘third party’ adulterer/adulteress can be punished by law, we can be certain that God will also hold that person accountable for destroying His marriage covenant, and the lives of the innocent spouse and family.  Therefore, the death penalty of Lev. 20:10-27 was/is applicable to both male and female adulterers and their sex partners

Ţ The Old Covenant death penalty for adultery draws us deeper into the serious dimensions of the marriage covenant.  Marriage is such an indissolvable covenant, it could only be broken by the death of one of the spouses.  That is why, in the case of adultery, the termination of the marriage covenant had to be finalized by the physical death of the adulterer, (Lev. 20:10-27.) This is not Roman Catholicism, but truth according to Jesus’ own words in Mt. 19:1-10.  This is why His disciples concluded, “If such is the case of a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” 

The death penalty for adulterers made innocent spouses into widows and widowers, who could marry again without further physical attachments to adulterers.  Hence, ‘divorce’ was a completely man-made concept of dealing with sexual sin such as adultery.  The death penalty for adultery was such a harsh sentence because, in complete disrespect for God’s Creation Principles and Moral Law, they violated and thus annulled God’s holy marriage covenant by committing mind murder on their spouses and their families, (1 Jn. 3:15.)  The Law demanded a life for a life. 

Ţ Under the New Covenant of grace, adultery has exactly the same effects as under the Old Testament Covenant of the Law,  (1 Jn. 2:4-5.)  However, now, adultery does not warrant a physical death sentence for causing death to God’s marriage Covenant, soulical death to innocent spouses, and the family unit, (1 Jn. 3:15.)  Now, adultery usually results in the very complicated, man-made form of ‘legal death’ to the marriage covenant known as “divorce,” while it seems as if the adulterer and the third party, the adulater or adulteress, walk away unpunished.  Because we all live by grace, there is grace for them, which they never considered to extend to those they were supposed to “love and cherish until death do them part.”  However, God will always remain the Supreme, Just Judge Who punishes all unconfessed and unrepented sin, (Jam. 5:16.)  That is why Hebrew 13:4 commands, “Keep the marriage bed undefiled, for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” 



Through the complete atonement of Jesus Christ, God views all believers as equal.  Thus, Paul said that spiritually, “There is no more Jew or Gentile, [race] slave or free, [social status] male or female, [gender] as we are all one in Jesus,” (Gal. 3:28.)  God made gender ONLY for the marriage covenant between one man and one woman, (Gen. 1:27-28!)  And in God’s holy marriage covenant, the husband does NOT RULE over his wife.  Jesus said to rule over [anyone else] is SIN, (Mark 10:41-45.)  The husband must [humbly] love his OWN wife as he loves his own body, (Gal. 3:26-29; Acts 9:12.)  This is a symbol of how Christ loves His spiritual body or bride, who must congregate as His holy, called-out assembly of believers, the ecclesia, (Gal. 3:26-29; Acts 9:12.)  Thus, wives must [humbly] submit in everything good and Godly to their “own” husbands, (Ef. 5:22.)  NO ONE can submit to evil, oppression, and abuse of any kind - or “have fellowship” with it.  Instead, they must expose it, turn from it, and flee from it as far as possible, (Eph. 5:11; 2 Tim. 3:1-7; Mt. 18:15-20.) 

Ţ This is why Jesus said to the Pharisees in Mt. 19:1-10, “[You legalized divorce for any just reason to fornicate as you please,] but in the beginning it was not so… [when God created both in His image and instituted the holy marriage covenant in the Garden in Eden.]  So, they are no longer two but one flesh.  Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man, [you yourself, male or female harlots, friends, parents, etcetera,] separate…  I say to you, whoever divorces except for sexual immorality, [which instantly breaks the marriage covenant,] and marries another, commits adultery, and whoever marries [him or her, the adulterers,] commits adultery.” 

When God created a wife for Adam, Adam rejoiced, saying, (Gen. 2:23-25,) “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.  She will be called woman, because she was taken out of man.  Hence, a man will leave his father and mother, [understandably both husband and wife must leave their parents and all other people emotionally, financially, and if necessary, physically], and cleave to his [one and only] wife, [and she to her only husband]; and they will be one flesh...”

Ţ In obedience to Jesus’ commandments concerning the marriage covenant, the husband and his wife must forsake all that was dear, safe, and familiar to come into real spiritual, emotional, and physical unity in a new life together.  This does not mean they must reject their parents, disrespect them, or discard them as far as it depends upon the couple to live in peace with them, (Rom. 12:18, KJV.)  They must simply establish their own home and keep it in Godly order.  The husband and his wife must manage their own private life together.  They must guard their marriage and children against sin and all vindictive people, and push aside everything that work towards separating them from each other

Ţ God said to the fornicating, old temple priesthood in Mal. 2:14-16, “[‘Why do you cry because I do not answer your prayers?]  I am witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously.  Yet, she [and he] is your companion and your wife [or husband] by covenant.  Did He not make them one?  And why one?  I seek godly offspring.  So, take heed to you spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife [or husband]  of his [or her] youth; [as it also severely affects the children.’] God hates divorce because it covers one’s garment with violence...” When fornication and adultery enter a home, chaos, violence, abuse, destruction, and murder follow.



We must first submit completely to God to overcome the devil and to grow in Love in Truth and deed or agape

Real spiritual power can only be attained by our submission to God.  Whether we must “resist the devil” to overcome his wiles,” (Jam. 4:7,) or minister to spouses, family, friends, in the assembly of believers, or in the world, we can only have God’s  power or authority to succeed once we truly submit to Him, (Mt. 28:18-20; Jam. 4:7 KJV!) 

Without sincerely surrendering to the truth of Scripture and the leading of the Holy Spirit, no demon will flee from us.  So, emotional or mind growth, agape love, emotional healing, etcetera, will elude us, (Rom. 12:1-2.)  Our born again human spirits “are complete” in Christ, (Col. 2:9-10; Heb. 10:14!)  Jesus fully and forever won the WAR against Satan at the cross, (Jn. 19:28-30; Col. 11-15.)  The BATTLE is now for our “minds” or thoughts and beliefs, (2 Cor, 10:3-5; Rom. 8:5-12.) 

This is why believers can only succeed in marriage, the world, workplace, and ecclesia, (which is the gathering of sincere believers as The Followers of The Way did after the cross and Pentecost,) by submission to God and to each other, (Acts 9:1-2; 11:26.) 

Hence, mutual submission in everything true and Godly is the key to all successful relationships, (Eph. 2:21!)  Peter explained in 1 Peter 3:2,  just as “believers have to submit to one another in the fear of God,”] so also marriage partners must “submit to” or respect their “own [Godly] husbands [and wives,]” as other men and women have nothing to do with the marriage covenant.  Either among believers in general or in the marriage in particular, this is not a forced submission.  Rather, it is a humble attitude that allows combined, Godly decision-making in the ecclesia and in the home.  Mutual submission and respect in the world and workplace work in exactly the same way. 

Ţ God ordained the GODLY husband as the servant-leader of the home, which does not apply to men in general or to secular and ecclesiastical lifeWhen a marriage is solemnised, God does NOT appoint a ‘boss’ over the bride or a doormat under the feet of the groom, as church clergies teach.  God unifies marriage partners in a life of mutual submission to each other to live in Godly peace and to glorify the Lord’s Name. 

Ţ Thus, it is one of the saddest and most damaging things when a husband or a wife refuses or neglects to fulfil this serious stewardship, for which not only spouses but everyone else, will have to give an account before the judgement throne of God, (Mt. 25:14-30.) 


(Continue to Divorce and Remarriage)