You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

“Constant backsliding is okay because Paul sinned all the time and said, “O wretched man that I am?’”

Renette Vermeulen


   Exodus 20.jpg   BLESSED OF MY FATHER.png

[Acknowledgement to the people who published these verses]


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PART 1: DALLAS JENKINS, PRODUCER OF ‘THE CHOSEN’ SERIES ALLEGED, “EVEN THE MOST PROMINENT BIBLE CHARACTERS SUCH AS MOSES, PETER, AND PAUL SINNED ALL THE TIME.”  SO THOSE WHO STRUGGLE WITH SIN MAY ALSO BACKSLIDE AND SIN UNREPENTEDLY BECAUSE “THEN THERE WAS JESUS?” There is no doubt that God’s people will struggle with sin as long as they live, but as always His True, Contextual Word has all the answers, (Rom. 7:1.) Yet, Jenkins, “firing back about criticism on that episode of ‘the chosen,’” put the once-saved-always-saved-no-matter-how-you-live dogma into power mode by stating, “It is not in the Bible but it is a Biblical principle!”  How can anything unbiblical be God’s guiding principle?  It can never be okay to perpetually backslide into sin because Jesus’ atonement is all-sufficient.  It is astounding, but when clergies do not minimize Jesus’ full atonement by forcing that it must be completed by unscriptural church sacraments, they teach people to sin “constantly” because, as Dallas says, “We cannot do it, [repent from sin.] We are not worthy enough. That’s why Jesus did it. [So we can live as we please.]” Jesus truly did it all for us – but the whole of Scripture makes it clear that God’s Most Holy Forgiveness is not a license to sin!  Salvation is to glorify God, not to shame Him.

To teach that to “backslide and sin all the time” is okay because Paul wrote how he wrestled with sin, is the most dangerous dogma anyone can teach. It is written in Hebrews 10:26-29, “If we sin wilfully, [without striving to repent,] after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sin but a certain expectation of judgement… [Without sincerely striving to repent until we overcome,] we trample the Son of God underfoot, count the blood of the Covenant that sanctified us a common thing, and insult the Spirit of grace.”

INTRO: Because Hollywood’s movie industry is based on all forms of immorality such as violence, sensuality, sexuality, distortions of fact and reality, psychological techniques, and barefaced witchcraft, we must not think that Christian Hollywood will model the Real Truth of God’s Word.  In reality, they showcase character, beliefs, and lifestyle on actions such as these. This is sad, because the movie and video industry really “has the ability to make a great impact on the souls and lives of people by sharing [the Real Truth of God’s Word] to bring soapy millions TO Christ and BACK to Christ.”  [Credit to the person who inspired this post.] Viewers easily lose sight of the fact that the same “creativity” behind movies, videos, television, and video games is at work in mind-icide, (sanity/emotional murder,) and “depraved-heart murder” or “depraved-indifference murder.”  This is emotional, mental, and behavioral abuse that also cause serious physical harm such as illness and literal death, without the risk of being prosecuted for bodily assault and murder.

Thus, the worst thing parents can do is to emotionally neglect their children by handing them over to the violence and other immoral distortions of movies, video games, and other digital media; instead of teaching them personal responsibility, accountability, and morality to avoid ‘personality disorders,’ or actually mind and behavior disorders like attention deficiency and hyper activity. Getting engrossed in digital media has the same affect on billions of adults; even on the believers of Christ.

When I wrote screenplays for the SABC television while South Africa was still under moral guidance, subliminal advertising and mindicidal content were controlled to protect the population against moral degradation and mental harm.  (E.g., scenes that depict the enjoyment of sexual immorality, harmful substances, and extreme violence were censored.) This was because the concept of “subliminal advertising” goes way beyond commodity marketing. It has the power to impact the minds and lives of people to change perceptions, beliefs, and behavior. Just think how watching pornography impacts morality, marriages, and families. Porn is SO soul and life consuming that the narcissist-psychopath serial killer Ted Bundy said on death row, “All the violent offenders I met in prison, just like me, without question or exception, was deeply involved, influenced, addicted, and consumed by pornography…”  This is true because the more extreme the sin, the higher the lust for greater sin until even the most sadistic acts cannot satisfy the all-consuming desires of murderers. Unrepentant sin begets more unrepentant sin.

So, a movie producer like Dallas Jenkins knows all about the tools that engrave perceptions and beliefs in the minds of people. The most unforgettable movies and videos are those that contain graphic demonstrations of various stimuli in the use of subliminal and emotional power. The more extreme the story, supported by the use of visionary and auditory resonance, body language, tone of voice, shocking scenes combined with loud sound; songs, slang, swearing, and bad behavior to illustrate character and implant feelings with the intension to embellish the story, the greater the impact on the viewer’s mind.  Movies and videos can really be life changing – either for better or for worse.

MARY MAGDALENE THE FORGIVEN PROSTITUTE.  Jenkins said, “Mary was sexually assaulted by a Roman soldier and in major trauma when her father died. That doesn’t rely on Scripture. As a follower of Jesus, she was triggered by a demonical… and Jesus cast it out. This is a very scary, violent, disturbing scene… [This is an unscriptural narrative and classic movie sensationalism to jump-scare audiences, grab their attention, and addict them to danger, immorality, and violence…] If someone wants to go back to their past, they will do it under triggers and vices... [Jesus said, “It is impossible that NO offenses come… Take heed unto yourselves… [NOT to be triggered to pursue sin,]” (Luke 17:1-3.)  But according to this plot, the Lord’s warning in Luke 17:1-3 was NOT to alert believers to handle sin according to His Word.  Instead, offences are supposedly an opportunity to constantly backslide into sin! In any case, if Mary constantly returned to prostitution it is definitely not “stumbling,” as described in James 3:2. It is an example of a firm decision to hard-heartedly disobey God to unify her body, which must be a temple of the Holy Spirit, with harlots to share their demons, (Jam. 3:2; 1 Cor. 6:15-20.)

On top of that, Jenkins continued, “We know Mary struggled with alcoholism, trauma, and demonic oppression, [meaning possession!]” Actually, this so-called ‘knowledge’ is far-fetched character deformation of a real person, who experienced Jesus’ full redemption and turned her life around by God’s grace, according to the context of Scripture: Mt. 27:56! 

Yet, Jenkins insisted, “To imply we say Jesus’ [atonement] wasn’t enough really frustrates me: that you can believe Mary could NOT have backslid. This is not about my show but about the BIBLE.  [Really?]  I don’t say she actually did that but show someone who has a deep, deep struggle with sin after they were saved…”  Still, he just said “they know” Mary struggled with alcoholism, trauma, and demonic oppression, [according to her actions she was possessed not just harassed and tempted,] and therefore, they show that she constantly slid back into absolute ungodliness, which is only possible if she rejected God. 

Jenkins then confirms his statement by saying, “Mary went back to a bar, tried to win back money that she lost in gambling. That’s not in the Bible but the concept is Biblical… [WHAT?]  Some say Mary was redeemed and we make Jesus’ role in her life irrelevant. That I find offensive… and it makes me angry. That perspective that she would NOT have sinned, struggled, backslid because Jesus redeemed her is an offense to the Gospel, to what the Bible says, and to millions, millions, millions of people who struggled after they sinned.”  Well, according to true Scripture, all this is blasphemy against the all-sufficiency of the Lord Jesus’ power and full atonement. This is definitely NOT His Word as it is nowhere to be found in His Gospels! 

As seen above, Jenkins doesn’t only make Jesus’ atonement irrelevant for Mary, but for every other believer struggling to glorify God by repenting from sinas well as those who, by His grace, overcame their lusts without returning to their sinful pasts, (Heb. 10:16-39.) If this were not about Jenkins’ show but the Bible, God’s entire truth would have enveloped Mary’s phenomenal repentance from her life without Christ to magnify the Almighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How can Jenkins find it “offensive” that in the truth of God’s Word, forgiveness and repentance cannot be separated from each other?  The issue is not so much that Mary supposedly chose to constantly return to prostitution. The problem is that this unfounded sensationalism about her life tries to prove that God’s Word states repentance from sin is ‘impossible and therefore unnecessary,’ (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5.) Yes, true believers “stumble” - which is something like losing one’s temper under provocation; not  pre-meditated sin such as prostitution, adultery, pornography, alcoholism, etcetera, (Jam. 3:2.)

Truly born again believers are spiritually “complete in Christ,” (Col. 2:9-15.) But serving the Lord Jesus in a new life is not about being perfect on a mind level, (1 Cor. 13:9-13.) Even so, they have NO excuse NOT to follow Jesus according to the precepts of His inward, Moral Law, (Heb. 10:16.) We all have to constantly “grow in knowledge and in grace” to glorify God, (2 Pt. 3:18; Rom. 12:1-2.) Hence, continuous soulical or mind growth necessitates sincere repentance from sin in God’s grace by constantly fleeing from and withstanding temptation while fully submitting to God; knowing that we are perfectly capable to “overcome” all sin “by the blood of the Lamb” and in the power of the Holy Spirit, (Rev. 12:11.)

►►This is why Paul asked, “Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, adulterers, homosexuals, sodomites, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, or extortioners, will inherit the kingdom of God,” (1 Cor. 6:9-11.)  For sincere believers, playtime with the Grace and Word of God is over! 

“MOSES, PETER, AND PAUL SINNED ALL THE TIME.” Jenkins alleged, “Paul wrote a whole chapter saying: ‘I sin all the time. I’m rooted in sin. I don’t wanna do it but do it all the time,’ and he was one of Christ’s greatest followers AND SINNED CONSTANTLY. Simon [Peter] experienced Jesus’ death and resurrection AND SINNED ALL THE TIME… I have been a Christian all my life, seek God’s heart daily, and I struggle myself… hurt my family. I SIN ALL THE TIME.  [Struggling with pornography.]”

This is a classic example of not interpreting facts in the “entirety” or context of Scripture, (Ps. 119:160 KJV.)  In the next post, we will see what Paul really said in context.  Let us first see what sins Jenkins refer to. Among other things, Moses lost faith in the Lord and disobeyed him in Numbers 20:13. On the insistence of the Israelites, he gave them permission to divorce their wives to take pagan wives, (Mt. 19:1-7.) He killed an Egyptian for maltreating a Hebrew and became a fugitive, (Ex. 2:12.) Peter lost faith and sank in the sea on his way to Jesus, (Mt. 14:28-31.) He denied knowing Jesus, (Jn. 18:15-27.) He chopped off Malchus’ ear, (Jn. 18:10-11.) He became the hypocrite by mixing Jesus’ Gospel with Judaism, (Gal. 2:11-16.) Paul, before He met Jesus, murdered and incarcerated Jesus’ first Followers of The Way, (Acts 9:1-3.)

CONCLUSION: The above is not “constant backsliding into sin and sinning all the time!” All believers are vulnerable to lose trust in God under severe pressure. Not understanding God’s commandments can make believers sin, (Rom. 12:1-2.) Natural self-preservation can make us all deny knowing Jesus.  Pressure from peers can make people compromise God’s Truth.  Sudden rage can lead to murder. Under fear our faith might fail us.  Untimely protection of our loved ones can mess up God’s will for the situation. Ignorance of God’s Word cause people to harbor wrong priorities and even murder innocent people on various levels of life, (Acts 9:1-3.) May our Father in heaven have mercy on us all!

In reality, however, none of the so-called “icons” of the Bible wilfully returned to prostitution, adultery, fornication, alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, theft, slander, and wilful murder. Their old sin was not a lifestyle for them. They all “stumbled” but made a fast recovery by regretting their sin, sincerely asking God’s forgiveness, and by repenting from sin as it cropped up to glorify God, and “the blood of Jesus cleansed them from ALL unrighteousness,” (1 Jn. 1:8-10.) This is not backsliding like Jenkins illustrates in that video. This is unintentional stumbling, as we do not become angels when we accept Jesus and surrender to Him. The “battle” remains for the control of our thoughts, emotions, and decisions, (2 Cor. 10:3-5.)


PART 2: WARNING! Dallas Jenkins does not depict real Biblical history or Bible truth in His movie productions. God’s truth is always in the full context of Bible Scripture. In Romans chapter 7 Paul did NOT describe his life in Christ as ‘perpetual backsliding’ into his old, Judaist, murderous self, (Acts 9:1-3.)  Instead, he fearlessly fought the abuse of God’s Word to free believers from the death of unrepentance from sin, false dogma, Judaist-Christian sacramentalism, deceptive melodrama as we now experience in abundance through worldwide electronic media, and disobedience to God’s inward Moral Law, which is the ONLY Law the Lord Jesus Christ commanded, (Heb. 8:7,13; 13:34; Jam. 3:2.)   

THE CONTEXT OF ROMANS 7 IS CHAPTERS 6 & 8.  Romans 6:10-23 state PAUL WAS CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST: “[Jesus' life showed that sin and death never had dominion over Him, and so, His disciples] must reckon themselves dead to sin and alive to Him. [We must yield ourselves in totality to Him, and then sin will have no dominion over us on a mind level.] This is not mind-perfection but striving to understand God's will and Word to obey and glorify Him. Romans 12:1-2, “Present your bodies a [constant] living sacrifice, holy… to God. This is your [basic] service [or worship.] And do not be conformed [to membership of a religious institution and religious lies,] but be [continually] RENEWED IN YOUR MIND, [through real, contextual Knowledge of God’s Word,] that you may understand what is the… perfect will of God [to obey Him,]” (2 Pt. 3:18!)  

  Rom. 7:1: THE BACKGROUND TO WHAT PAUL SAID,  “The [Knowledge of the many precepts of the Moral] Law has dominion over [the mind] as long as we live.” This is God’s Standard for every decision of our lives.  In contrast, Satan’s knowledge of good and evil corrupted the mind of man at the fall with only one law: “Do what thou willst is the whole of the law!”  Since then, Satan uses his knowledge of lawlessness to consistently attack God’s Knowledge of Light, the Truth of His Word, and His Only New Covenant commandment, the inward Moral Law, (Mt. 7:21-24 KJV.) The aim is to confuse and deceive believers to choose lies above Truth to mix darkness with Light, while Jesus’ disciples must persistently live in Truth, Who Is The Light; Jesus Christ Himself, (Jn. 8:31-32 KJV.) This is what Christianity has been doing with God’s Word since the latter part of 1 A.D., when the first Judaist/Catholic church began to restrain and contain Jesus’ persecuted Followers Of The Way in their  new religion, (Acts 9:1-2; 11:26.) Since then, the aim of all false dogma is to turn believers from Christ to Satan without them realizing it, (2 Cor. 11:14-15; Jn. 16:8-11; Rev. 18:4!)  

  Romans 7:2-6: AS INTRODUCTION, Paul again underscored the following. Through their “perfect” personal spiritual rebirth in Christ, (John 1:12-13; 3:3-5,) true believers are fully “delivered from” and “dead to” the ceremonial, outward law of the Old Testament, which Jesus annulled at the cross when He fulfilled all its precepts for us. Hebrews 10:14: “For by ONE Offering He has perfected forever, [past tense at the cross,] those who are being sanctified, [present tense on a mind level,]” (Col. 2:9-10; Rom. 12:1-2!) “They are now married to Him, [His spiritual bride,] Who was raised from the dead, that THEY SHOULD BEAR FRUIT TO GOD… and SERVE HIM IN THE NEWNESS OF THE SPIRIT and NOT IN THE OLDNESS OF THE LETTER, [the ousted Old Testament, Judaist sacramental law,]” (Heb. 7:18-19; 8:7,13!)  

  Romans 7:7-14: THE BATTLE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL rages so forcibly in the mind of man that believers in particular, began to see God’s Moral Law itself as sin that causes more sin! In reality, this lie came from humanity’s lawless desire to constantly violate God’s protective boundaries, and that “produced [more] evil desire.” (Unrepentant sin always begets more sin. Once unleashed, no amount of sin can satisfy the lust to sin.) In truth, the Moral Law is totally good, holy, and useful.  Its function is to teach everyone to discern between the knowledge of sin and the Knowledge of righteousness, (Rom. 2:13-15!) Without Knowledge of the Moral Law, “we would never have known what sin is,” (lying, stealing, adulterating, murder…) And we would have remained stuck in evil, believing it is good, while it hampers our understanding of God’s Word... “For the Law is spiritual but we are carnal.” And the carnal [unrenewed] mind cannot understand what is spiritual: 1 Cor. 2:12-16; Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5! The mind must progressively be “transformed” by God’s true Knowledge, for at the fall, our minds were “sold to sin,” as disobedience corrupted the Knowledge of His Moral Law in our minds, (Jn. 16:11-14.)  

  Romans 7:8: BY ABUSING THE MORAL LAW IN OUR MINDS, (e.g., twisting Godly agape-love in deed and truth into lust and fuzzy feelings,) Satan “produced all manner of evil desire...”  It is a lack of Knowledge of God’s Moral Law that keeps people stuck in the knowledge of good and evil.  This is exactly what the mind-bending Hollywood and Christian movie industry in all its many forms such as soapies, YouTube videos, and computer games do! They subliminally and openly spread rebellion against the Knowledge of God’s Law to produce “all manner of evil desire,” [because Satan knows how to use sin to entice and push humans into greater sin. For as long as we obey God’s Moral Law, “SIN IS DEAD” or has absolutely no power over us!  

  Romans 7:9-13: YET, LIKE NAUGHTY CHILDREN, who are spiritually alive and innocent until the age of accountability, (Matthew 19:13-15,) even true believers keep on defying the Knowledge of God’s will, not to live under the discipline of His Moral Law. (E.g., raise a hand to discipline a young child and he will raise his hand to you.) This is exactly why undisciplined little children become ‘attention deficit, hyper active,’ and grow into unruly, ungodly adults, (2 Tim. 3:1-7.)  However, once children can discern right from wrong, (when the dormant Knowledge of God’s commandment becomes alive in their minds,) it kills them (spiritually as they die to innocence.) In this way, the Knowledge of God’s Moral Law that brings life also brings death, (from the age where we can choose to obey Him, but instead, choose to obey the devil,) (Jn. 8:44.)  

  Romans 7:15-16: IF OUR MINDS REMAIN “UNRENEWED” through a lack of the Knowledge of God’s Law, “we do not understand what we do. For what we want to do, we do not practice, and what we hate, we do!) Paul actually warned against succumbing to the knowledge of good and evil by refusing to decidedly choose to struggle, fight, or “battle” for God’s Knowledge to obey Him.  Giving way to the sin in the unrenewed mind will cause believers to sink deeper into the darkness of the knowledge of good and evil. They then actually fall in battle by believing, “If we do [what we know is wrong,] we agree with the law [of evil] that it is good [for us!]”  This is pure witchcraft – turning evil into good! Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil, and put darkness for light, and light for darkness…”  

Romans 7:17-23: THE EASIEST SOLUTION FOR UNREPENTED double-mindedness about the knowledge of sin that drags believers into deeper sin, versus God’s Moral-law Knowledge that leads them to repentance and into His Light, is to resort to the dangerous psychological game of blame shifting.  Because unrepentant sinners decide that THE LAW OF EVIL in their minds IS ACTUALLY GOOD, (or sin is not ‘all bad,’) they shift their personal responsibility to obey God onto sin itself.’]  It is [supposedly] so difficult to obey God that they choose to believe that sin will always control them.   They actually hide behind the excuse that they are helpless and cannot withstand sin. So, it is "no longer they who commit sin, but sin that dwells in them! For in us, [our sinful minds or flesh, Romans 8:1-12, supposedly] nothing good dwells, for to will is present, but how to perform what is good we do not find…” When it comes to soulically "die to sin" to practically obey God, (Galatians 2:19-21,) many believers choose to rather give their minds over to the control of sin, as it seems easier than to obey God.  But it is certain that God’s eternal Moral-Law Knowledge also dwells in our minds to guide us so that we have no excuse to live in sin, (Heb. 10:16; 2 Cor. 5:10 KJV.) Yet, blame shifting was the first thing Adam did when God called Him to accountability. He attacked the Most High and his wife, saying, “The woman You gave... me [made me do it!]  He neglected to confess that he was present all the time and never once moved his lips to defend Eve,” (Gen. 3:6-13.)  In that moment, the twin of blame shifting, misogyny or hatred for women, was also born.  And Eve followed his example, saying, “The snake [made me do it!]’” Sadly, the hapless snake could not say, 'The devil made me do it!'  Following Adam’s example, Dallas Jenkins said, “We are not worthy [of repentance.] We cannot do it [repent from sin.]” Because overcoming sin demands dying to our sinful “self,” (Galatians 2:19-21,) it is more convenient to believe that the God of Grace will NOT hold us accountable for living in sin, as repentance seems ‘impossible,’ (Rom. 8:5-12; 1 Pt. 1:13-19!) But on Judgment Day, we will not be able to blame anything or anyone for our sin, (Ezk. 18:18-20; 2 Cor. 5:10!)  

Romans 7:24: TOTAL DESPERATION will result from accepting evil as good and using blame shifting to sidestep our responsibility to repent from sin, (Jn. 16:8-11!)  Paul illustrated this lostness by crying out, “O WRETCHED [double-minded] PEOPLE THAT WE ARE! WHO WILL DELIVER US FROM THIS [sinful] BODY OF DEATH [in our deluded minds!]” This illustration is not an example to “backslide and sin all the time” because we are supposedly incapable of repenting from sin! 1 John 1:8-10 warn, “If we say we [did] not sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. [BUT BY REMAINING UNREPENTED,] WE MAKE HIM A LIAR, and HIS WORD IS NOT IN US.” Paul actually said, it is impossible to obey God if we do not obtain real Knowledge of His Moral Law and Word to understand how to obey His “perfect” will, (Rom. 12:1-2.)  Doubt and deception in our thoughts and beliefs about God’s sovereign power, guidance, protection, and utter holiness, will then rule our decisions and actions, (Rom. 7:14-21; 2 Cor. 10:3-5; Rom. 8:5-12.)  But when “we delight in the law of God according to the inward [born again, spirit] man,” we overcome, (John 1:12-13; 3:3-5.) So, Paul decided in this passage, “With the [renewed] mind I myself serve the Law of God, but with the [unrenewed] flesh [or mind I will fall and serve] the law of sin!”  

7:25: THE CONCLUSION is that NO ONE can overcome the desires and deceptions of the knowledge of good and evil and repent from sin by themselves, to obey THE Knowledge of God’s Word and Moral Law. Thus, to his cry, “Who will deliver him from this body of death,” he victoriously proclaimed, “Thank God - through Jesus Christ our Lord!” Our Christ took in His human flesh everything we can suffer in this world, (Isaiah 53:1-9; Gal. 3:10-14.) In all types of temptation and affliction that  

impact our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and choices, JESUS is the Only Answer!  

►►  Romans 8:1-14: THE ANSWER TO STRUGGLING WITH SIN is in the Knowledge that, through Jesus, true believers are free from the mind-control of sin! (Heb. 10:14-22, Col. 2:9-10.) “Therefore, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not live according to the [desires and dictates of the unrenewed mind,] but according to the Spirit… (From verse 5:) For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the [sinful thoughts and beliefs of] the mind. But those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. …Those, who are in the [unrenewed mind that lacks Knowledge of God’s Word and will,] cannot please God. But we are not in the flesh… if the Spirit of God dwells in us. Now if anyone does NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST (from the moment of their rebirth when they accepted Jesus and surrendered themselves to Him,) HE IS NOT HIS, [and so, he will grab hold of any kind of knowledge and sensationalism to remain in sin,]” (Gal. 2:19-21!)

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