You will know the truth and the truth will set you free |
(Continued from Interpreting the Bible)
More importantly, the traditional but unscriptural belief that ‘women must be saved through childbearing,’ (1 Timothy 3:11-15,) is a satanic attempt to nullify Jesus’ full atonement in the place of all sincere believers. She was allegedly not forgiven by the Lord’s atonement like the man, and can therefore allegedly not minister to the body of Christ. However, this fits nowhere in the contextual truth of the New Testament Covenant, but was undoubtedly written into Scripture by misogynist (women hater) church clergies. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the whole context of Scripture proclaim that every human on earth must be saved through personal faith in, and obedience to His contextual, New Testament Gospel, (1 Jn. 1:12-13, 16-18; Mt. 7:7-27.) In fact, Adam was WITH Eve while she was being deceived, and he cowardly did not move a muscle to defend her. Eve was deceived but Adam sinned willfully by disobeying God, (Gen. 3:6.) · Most importantly, every believer must know that all sincere believers in Christ are children of God, (the spiritual body, bride, and sons of God,) through their genuine faith in, and acceptance of Jesus. Paul also wrote, “[Spiritually,] there is neither Hebrew/Jew nor Gentile, [race,] slave nor free, [social status,] male nor female, [gender,] for you are ALL one in Christ Jesus,” (Jn. 1:11-14; 3:3-6; Gal. 3:28-29; 4:6.) · What’s more, contrary to church teaching, in the context of the New Testament Covenant, it is completely unscriptural to believe that women must submit to all men unreservedly; that God does not call women as pastors, teachers, etcetera, and that the “church” can be “the house of God,” (Acts 7:44-50; 17:24; 1 Cor. 6:16-18.) · Under all circumstances, we can only accept, believe, and apply God’s exegetical, contextual, New Testament Word to ourselves, the spiritual body of Christ, the ecclesia or gathering of true believers, and so forth.
Supplement reading: September 2016 Facebook Post in reaction to the following statement, "Bible writers did not know times would change so much. Thus, the Bible was not written for today." This was the topic of a discussion between church leaders on the radio. It centred on the alleged "FULL RIGHTS OF GAYS IN THE CHURCH," among other sinful things that became saintly in our modern world. As in every other debate, the truth of God’s Word remains our immovable standard. Proverbs 30:5, "Every [contextual] Word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him." And in 2 Timothy 3:16, "[All Truth or that which matches the ‘entire truth of God’s Word] is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in godliness." Paul is but one writer of the Scriptures, who unmistakably warned that homosexualism, lesbianism, and every other immorality must be repented from, as even those who keep quiet about it actually give their consent to inhumane behaviors. Thus, they are just as guilty before God as those unrepented trespassers of His Holy Word are, (Rom. 1:18-32.) Concerning the proliferation of evil in these last days, Christ Jesus clearly prophesied, "When the Son of Man returns it will be like in the days of Noah [and Lot,]" (Mt. 24:37.) And He asked in Luke 18:8, "[Because of all the countless false teachings and lukewarm acceptance of sin,] when the Son of Man returns, will He find [true] faith on earth?" In fact, we need nothing more in life than the truth of God’s entire Word, Who Is Jesus Christ; God Himself. Of course, teachers from the Promise Keepers Movement such as Angus Buchan, etcetera, share in the deception of ministers from traditional churches. They might do it differently, but they all deliberately distort God’s Truth to manifest their secret satanic agendas. Charismatic Rodney Howard Brown openly states, "Not everything God does in the Bible." To lure people away from God's truth this church system teaches, "Don't read the Bible, BE the Bible." However, the truth is that God is the Creator of His entire universe, and He cannot be bound by a human time table or false philosophies. The Word which He gave to be our light can never make US into the light, although they also allege that they are christs and gods — exactly as Jesus warned in Matthew Chapter 24! The truth is that true believers called to shine God's light as temples of the indwelling Holy Spirit. All genuine believers have the God of all gods living and “abiding” IN them, (1 Jn. 2:20.) Nevertheless, humans can never BE the Word, as the Word Is Jesus Christ Himself, and in Him every word is true while they are all liars. We must not believe and do what is not in God's Word; we must believe and do everything that is in the full context of God’s Word. The dangerous deceptions of these teachers seem endless. And all this happens because Christians do not take responsibility for their spiritual lives and study the Bible for themselves exegetically and continually to see if they are really hearing from God, (1 Ths. 5:21; 1 Jn. 4:1-4; Jude 1:20.) All lies (and even ‘just’ a “little leaven” or deception) stem directly from Satan, the father of all liars, (Jn. 8:44.) And the only way to escape, withstand, and overcome lies, is to grow in the true knowledge of God’s Word. The commandments of Christ Jesus in Luke 11:9 to “ask, seek, and knock” [throughout our whole lives] are verbs. This means, these are words that show action needs to be taken; we must DO something to receive whatever we need from God. So, Jesus underscored these commandments with the following promise, "For everyone who asks, receives. He who seeks, finds. And to him who knocks, it will be opened." However, Jesus will not place His Kingdom in our hearts or open heaven for us if we continue to interpret His Word our way. God’s Word is eternal, indestructible, and will forever remain All Truth, as taught by God the Holy Spirit Himself, Who came to “lead us into all truth” for as long as we are willing to follow Him, (Jn. 16:13.) So, we can be certain that the Truth of Bible Scripture was written for yesterday, today, and for all eternity. And as long as we are living on this side of the grave, Jesus, God’s Word, and all His commandments in the context of His Moral Law, will always remain “relevant” to every area of our lives, (Jn. 13:34.) Old Testament Law was Old Israel’s Way to God Christ’s New Testament Covenant is the Only Way to God Are Tsunamis and Earthquakes the Judgment of God? The Difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven
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