You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

(Continued from)                          ©  COPYRIGHT NOW UNBANNED PUBLICATIONS                                                                        

ALSO ON THIS PAGE:   A friend brought ex-Satanist John Ramirez’ testimony and teachings to my attention


There is no doubt that Satanism, demonic works, and demon possession are realities.  Jesus said, “The thief, [Satan,] does not come [to anyone unless he can] steal, murder, and destroy, but I came to give you life abundantly…” (Jn. 10:10.)  Consequently, it is indisputable truth that tampering with the occult is an extremely dangerous practice.  Satan will not promote, please, and entertain anyone without asking the highest price for his deceptive services: control over the human soul or mind, which will then steer the person’s entire life in his will, (Jn. 8:44.) 

Let us make it perfectly clear: for every sincerely spiritually born again believer in Christ, Satan, all his demons, and human followers are already utterly defeated enemies!  Without exception, the Lord Jesus Christ fully and for all eternity triumphed over every single one them at the cross, (Col. 2:9-15!)  Believers can never “war” against darkness because the Lord will always remain the Victor over every form of evil.  Believers can only “battle to overcome” the attacks of the enemy by achieving control of the “strongholds” or deceptions and other attacks on their souls or minds — their thoughts, beliefs, decisions, intellect, understanding, and emotions.  They need to do that in the power of God’s True Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, Who constantly and fully indwells them, (Eph. 6:12-13; 1 Pt. 4:12; Jam. 4:7-8; Rom. 8:5-11; Col. 1:21-23; 1 Jn. 2:20,27.)  Because true believers are “more than conquerors in Christ Jesus,” Who Is The Final Conqueror,” they only need to remain fully committed and submitted to Him above all else, while “pulling down all strongholds” or false beliefs.  They do that by “casting down [or destroying] arguments and every thigh thing that exalts itself against the [real] knowledge of God, and so to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of [the True Word of] the Lord Jesus Christ,” (Rom. 8:5-11; 12:1-2!)  So, the battle for our minds is exactly as Jesus said, “If you are truly My disciples, you will know [and remain in My] truth, and the Truth will set you free!” (Jn. 8:31-32.) 

It is shocking how church clergies ignore Jesus’ Word of Truth to put the fear of Satan and not of the True God,  into people!  Satan and his demons are laughing hysterically  at the so-called “wars” against him “in the heavenlies,” while believers only need to understand how perfectly Jesus conquered him at the cross, so they can steadfastly “withstand and thus overcome his all wiles” — or deceptions! 

Because of dogmas and practices such as the deliverance deception, it is not uncommon for Satanists and ex-Satanists to fit snugly into power-seeking religions such as the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement, which is based on masonry and satanic principles, mixed with the Word of God.  For instance, entertainment, instant gratification, wealth, success, popularity, positive confession, auto-suggestion, hypnotism, visualization or the alleged creation of your own miracles, etcetera run rampant in those churches.  Today, just as in Satanism, growing “lawlessness,” demonic manifestations, and false dogma direct their footsteps in their Christianized worldliness, (Mt. 7:21-24!) 

· Let there be no confusion.  I believe and experience all the gifts and works of the Holy Spirit as detailed in the contextual truth of Scripture, (1 Cor. 12:4-12; 27-28!)  However, as found in their “little gods and christs” teaching, people join this Movement because they believe God makes them into supermen and wonder-women through their self-enhancing superpower: their tongue-baptism.  Whether they want to know it or not, from their get-rich-quick tithing franchises to their “attend all the church gatherings to get church membership,” the same law governs them as in raw Satanism: “Do what thou willst is the whole of the law,” (or freely practice utter lawlessness.) 

This is why Jesus warned against this signs-and-wonders Movement in Matthew 7:20-24, saying, “You will know them by their fruits, [not by their anointing, gifts, wealth, health, or so-called ‘miracles.’] Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in That Day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied, cast out demons, and done many wonders in Your Name?”  And then I will say to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness’” - or Satanism.  (1 Sam. 15:23; KJV.) 

Protestantism and its mother Catholicism tripped millions of people through the ages.  But it is in these last of the last days where millions more are falling into the arms of the devil because they do not listen to what Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:3-32, “Beware that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My Name, saying, ‘I am the christ,’ and will deceive many… [This is exactly what this Movement, which is openly ruled by Satan-worshipping masons, proclaims.] Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many [who were disillusioned and hurt,] will grow cold.  But he who endures [in Me and the truth of My Word] to the end will be saved.”  

· Yet, these supermen and wonderwomen practice escalating “lawlessness” and say they are the “Haves” because they have super power - their ‘tongues-baptism,’ by which they ‘re-structure the whole world!’  Of course, this clearly relates to the masonic teaching, “the elite enlightened ones” versus the unenlightened goyim or ‘lower,’ ‘mindless cattle.’  Their hyper power, the false tongue-baptism that they receive with the laying on of hands, makes these “Haves” “more saved,” “more anointed,” “more loved,” and “more favored by God” than the Have-Nots.  This tongue-power is like Superman with his kryptonite.  Without it he is weak and useless; with it he can circle the earth in a few seconds.  The truth of God’s Word in Holy-Spirit teaching and power, which must pull down strongholds in the battle for the mind, does not even enter the picture, (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Rom. 8:5-11.) 

The “Have Nots,” on the other hand, are diseased, poor, unholy, sorry slaves for of a lack of positive confession — but mostly, because they neglect to pay their tithes and “give until it hurts.”  And most importantly, they lack the “tongue-spirit-baptism,” which will “initiate” them into the world of supermen and wonderwomen; wielding their superpower-tongue wand! 


Even in the days of the old prophet Ezekiel, people sought after religious entertainers. Ezk. 33:31-32, “…Their hearts pursued their own gain… [so, preachers] were to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear Your [true] words, but they do not do them.” The same happened in New Testament Christianity when the first, persecuted assemblies of true believers, (the ecclesia or The Way,) were fertilized with the ‘power’ seeds of Roman Catholic Church Christianity, (Acts 9:2; 22:4; 24:4; 19:9, 23 - 11:26!) Today, preaches such as Benny Hinn openly declare that Catholic [Mary worshipers] have more miracles than Pentecostals!

Jesus is the Creator and God of both the natural and supernatural realms.  His Spiritual Kingdom (Jn. 18:36) originated from, and is seated in the spirit world, and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit are real and all-powerful, (Mark 16:16-18.)

Þ Yet, Jesus rebuked those who sought after Him because they wanted to live on spiritual experiences and paranormal power; by sight and sensation and not by faith and obedience to the truth of His Word.  He said, “A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign…” (Mt. 16:4.)

The Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement is supposedly in it’s ‘fourth wave’ of so-called successive ‘holy spirit’ outpourings through ‘new’ Pentecosts,” which can only be demonic because it is totally illogic, against the Truth of Scripture, and an insult to the fully “abiding” Holy Spirit Who indwells all true believers, (Acts 5:32; 1 Jn. 2:20,27; 1 Cor. 3:16.)  Essentially, Charismatic Hermeneutics means, “Broad or general, non specific interpretations of Scripture.”  Hermeneutics explain exactly why they can say, “Don’t read the Bible; be the Bible!”  In other words, “Do what thou willst is the whole of the law.” 



John’s Ramirez’s life demonstrates how almighty God is, and of course, what power God allows the devil to have in this world, (1 Jn. 5:19.)  When God finally saved this high mason and Satanist, he came under the mentorship of David Wilkerson. But believers must also “test” the authenticity of Wilkerson’s teachings, because the souls of millions are affected by Pentecostal/Charismatic, masonic dogma, (1 Ths. 5:21; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.)  Wilkerson leaned strongly towards Pentecostal-Charismatic, extra-Scriptural doctrines, the Kingdom-Now theology, chaotic spiritual manifestations, and Messianic Judaism

Christians together in the highlands and islands,’ wrote, “[The well-respected] Mr. Wilkerson discredited himself… After denouncing the kind of 'laughing & drunken' counterfeit revivals associated with the Pensacola and Toronto fiascos, in his excellent recording "Reproach On The Solemn Assembly"... he rejected solid warnings and accepted a number of engagements to speak to many of the… churches that continued promoting these very deceptions. One church he spoke at in The English Midlands promoted Benny Hinn only one month later. Mr. Wilkerson then began defending [them] and criticized their opponents who warned [against] them. Mr. Wilkerson then went to London to a church that followed the Toronto Experience and Paul Cain, the mentor of Todd Bentley (who engraved, among other things, the Knight’s Templar Order insignia into his hand…) Mr. Wilkerson spoke of being on the ground laughing unable to get up because “God's Hand was on him.” The Fruit of The Spirit is 'Self Control,' not the lack of it. The fact that he 'could not get up' proves it was NOT God's Hand that was upon him. The Word of God teaches the direct opposite.” 

It is sad to read how Ramirez believes God is “waking up” the leaders of the church. If one studies the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement, you will find that Roman Catholic, Jesuit, and other masonic orders govern them all. Hence, they are continually sliding deeper and deeper into the dark abyss of false teachings and demonic spiritual manifestations.  So, it saddens me that this ex-Satanist escaped secular Satanism to fall into the Pentecostal power trap

· I messaged  Ramirez on Facebook and spoke to him in love, warning him of the dangers of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement, and their Jesuit-masonic leadership.  I asked him politely to look at my studies on this Movement and the masonic ties of its leaders, who are prophetically governed by Rick Joyner, a self-declared Knight of Malta.  Until now, he never made an attempt to answer me.  But I still hope that Ramirez seriously desires to know and serve the God of the Bible in spirit and in truth, (Jn. 4:21-24.) 


In Ramirez’s testimony, he said, battling with Satan ‘in hell,’ a cross appeared before him. Now Jesus warned in Luke 16:19-31 that no one can go either to heaven or hell and come back. Ramirez “put the cross on Satan and the devil fell to his knees.”  He alleges “he defeated” Satan this way.” If one knows anything about Roman Catholicism and how it is ingrained into all church dogma as the “mother” of Christianity, it is clear that the cross in his vision came, I believe subliminally, from the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus Alone could ‘defeat’ Satan – and Jesus already did that in full on Golgotha not in hell, (Colossians 2:9-15.) Hence, we are “more than conquerors” because we firmly stand on His completed atonement in our place. We will never again have to ‘defeat’ the already defeated devil and his demons. But we must “overcome [their wiles and assaults] by the blood of the Lamb, [Jesus’ full atonement in our place,] and the word of our testimony, [not to say how great we are, but that we, the forgiven,] do not love our lives even unto death,” (Rev. 12:11.)  

Being the great high Satanist that Ramirez was, he must know that crosses and other occult objects do not scare, never mind “defeat” Satan. The cross may be a symbol of manmade church Christianity, but it is only by faith in Jesus Himself and His full atonement in our place, that we can “overcome” the devil and his demons. Ramirez should also know that pentagrams, and stylized pentagrams like the masonic so-called Star of David, (David never had a ‘star,’) do not belong to, or refer to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.  Yet, in “standing with Israel” in Jesus-denying Messianic Judaism, he poses in front of this so-called ‘star’ without warning anyone according to his great knowledge of the masonic orders and the occult! 



Ramirez also teaches, "Weapon #7: Our heavenly language. Speaking in tongues builds up our inner man when we are in communion with our God. In the Scriptures, Paul makes a profound statement by saying, ‘I speak in tongues more than you all,’” (1 Cor. 14:18 KJV.)  [And then Paul added, but in the assembly I would rather speak five words with my understanding that I may teach others also, than ten thousand words in a tongue,” 1 Cor. 14:15-19.] 

Did Ramirez forget about the billions of believers through the ages that never received the gift of tongues as the Holy Spirit “gives His gifts as He wills” — and that Paul clearly asked, “Do all speak in tongues?  Do all interpret?”  (1 Cor. 12:1-11; 29-31.)  Still, according to this Pentecostal doctrine, billions of believers were not baptized in the so-called “tongue-baptism,” and were therefore, allegedly “unsaved.” But didn’t Paul ignore the gifts of the Holy Spirit, tongues too, when he proclaimed in Romans 8:9, “If anyone does not have the [Real Indwelling] Spirit of Christ, he is not His?”

The gift of tongues is just one of the indwelling Spirit’s gifts, which He gives “as He wills,” (1 Cor. 12:4-11.) 

Þ The gift of tongues, (and all His gifts are wonderful,) is actually a “sign for unbelievers,” not for believers, (1 Cor. 14:22.) Scripture-obeying disciples of Jesus know that the Spirit fully indwells all sincere believers; they do not need "signs." Yet, to experience God's true signs is grace from our Father in Heaven; praise His Holy Name! (Mark 16:16-18.) Still, we live by faith in Christ according to the truth of God's Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, not by signs and miracles, like people do in the occult. That is why Jesus also said in Matthew 16:4, "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah" - Jesus' resurrection form the dead! 

Living and praying “in the spirit” is not confined to the gift of tongues as the Pentecostal Movement teaches.  If it were true that the gift of tongues “evidences” the ‘Holy Spirit baptism,’ or the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, it must ‘save’ us.  Then the other gifts like the gift of healings, etcetera, can also ‘save’ us.  But that is just ridiculous, isn’t it?  Jesus said in Mathew 4:14, 21-24, “Whoever drinks of this Water, [Jesus’ Truth through Jesus Himself, Who Is Truth,] will never thirst again… [For] it will become in him a fountain of water [spiritual life] springing up into everlasting life… You will neither worship the Father on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.. [But after My death and resurrection, and the once-off outpouring of the indwelling Holy Spirit at Pentecost, all] true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, [in their born again human spirits and in the Truth of God’s contextual Word,” (Jn. 1:11-13; 3:3-5; Gal. 4:6-7.) 

All sincere, personally born again believers of Jesus are “possessed by the Holy Spirit,” (Eph. 1:13-14!) They might not all have the gift of tongues, but they all received gifts from the Holy Spirit, Who lives within them to minister to each other in the body of Christ, (1 Cor. 12:4-11; 12-31.) Whether they pray or worship the Father through the gift of tongues, or constantly in their innermost being or born again human spirits, speaking to Him inwardly and outwardly in sincere words of understanding, all true believers in Christ are “in the Spirit” – or indwelt by The Biblical Spirit of God. 



Ramirez also states that the devil cannot touch those who speak in tongues, or as he puts it, “those who pray in the spirit.”  God firmly refuted this dogma in 1 John 5:18, “[Whether you have the wonderful gift of tongues or not,] we know that whoever is born of God, [by sincerely accepting Jesus, John 1:12-13,] does not sin [habitually James 3:2 KJV.]  But he who has been born of God keeps himself [from deliberate, unrepented sin,] and the wicked one does not touch him.” 

This proves that the gift of tongues, just like any other gift of the Spirit, is not “a weapon [or protection] against the devil.”  The full atonement of Jesus in our place, obedience to the Truth of His New Testament Covenant Word, our minute-by-minute relationship with Him as His disciples, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the mighty protection of His holy angels, “empower” us to “withstand the wiles [or schemes] of the devil” to “overcome” his onslaughts.  All the gifts of the Spirit, tongues included, remain “signs” that He is living in His born again temple of true believers.  According to the full context of God’s Word, all the millions of sincere believers, (all those who do, and do not speak in tongues but keep themselves from sin,) cannot be touched by the devil – excluding God’s permission to Satan to “test” and "prove" them, (1 Pt. 4:12-19.) 



Truth is always in the context of everything — Scripture especially.  John the Baptist explained exactly what ‘the baptism of fire’ means.  He said in Matthew 3:11, “I indeed baptize you in water… but [Jesus] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and [with] fire.   [The baptism with the Holy Spirit and the baptism with fire is not the same thing.  This is what the baptism with fire means,  Matthew 3:12, the very next verse:] His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”  The baptism with fire is when God cleans believers  (or weans them from the addictions of the world)  as wheat that is threshed on the floor, after the baptism with the constantly indwelling Holy Spirit at the moment of the rebirth,” (Jn. 1:12-16!)

Jesus explained the baptism with fire in Matthew 20:21-23, saying, “[You want My spiritual authority,] but are you able to [first] drink the cup that I am about to drink [at the cross] and be baptized with the baptism [of fire or suffering] that I am baptized with?  …You will indeed [shortly after your rebirth in Me suffer] the baptism that I Am baptized with, [like I had to endure in the wilderness after I was baptized in water, and even like I still have to endure on the cross…]” (Gal. 2:19-21.) 

· In spite of this truth, in a neat piece of Charismatic witchcraft, Pentecostals completely separated the two firmly connected verses of Matthew 3:11-12 from each other to change the meaning of Jesus’ ‘baptism of fire,’ which is the terrible affliction of being tested on God’s threshing floor, into their so-called superpower tongues baptism. 

· In the context of Jesus’ Holy-Spirit baptism in these two connected verses and throughout the New Testament, the gift of tongues is not the “fire” or ‘power’ of the Pentecostal Movement to do their own miracles and so, to allegedly “defeat” Satan.  The true fire of Jesus’ Holy Spirit Baptism, (after He had placed the Holy Spirit inside His newborn temples at the moment of their sincere acceptance of Him, Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; Rom. 8:9,) is actually a baptism of suffering, which follows the rebirth in Christ.  Jesus demonstrated this “fire” baptism by going into the wilderness after His water baptism to resist and overcome Satan’s temptation there.  So, this ‘time of testing’ to “clean out His threshing floor” with the purpose of separating the chaff from the wheat in the “fire” of affliction, follows the rebirth and water baptism of all sincere believers.  Jesus’ Scriptural ‘baptism of fire’ “tests” and ‘proves’ the commitment of all sincere believers to Christ

The indwelling Holy Spirit already gave all His sincerely, personally born again believers His authority or full anointing, (1 John 2:20; 27,) not to flaunt His power, but “to be His witnesses to the whole world,” (Acts 1:8-9; Mt. 28:18-20.)

Of course, the Spirit then gives His individual, powerful, supernatural gifts to each believer “as He wills,” to serve the body of Christ and to evangelize the whole world, (1 Cor. 12: 4-12; Mark 16:16-18.) 




Image may contain: shoes and text

[Acknowledgement to the person who published this photo] 


In testing another doctrine that John Ramirez preaches, I took a closer look at their “shoes of peace,” by which he says, he also ‘defeats’ the [already completely defeated] devil, (Eph. 6:10-19.)  Paul testified in Colossians 2:11-15; “...Jesus Christ nailed all our trespasses to the cross, having disarmed principalities and powers, made a public spectacle of them, and triumphing over them in it.”  The utterly defeated devil can now only terrorise us — and we must deal with him by “submitting to God, resisting him steadfastly in the faith, and he will flee from us. [In this way,] we must draw near to God  and He will draw near to us.  We must cleanse our hands and purity our hearts from double-mindedness…  We must humble ourselves and God will lift us up, so that [the devil can have no hold on us, James 4:7-10.]” 

Where do we find any of this Superpower Movement’s supermen entitlement in the truth of God’s Word?  Both the 1933 and 1983 versions of the King James Bible wrote Ephesians 6:15 as follows, "Having your feet shod [or shoed] with the preparedness to preach the Gospel of peace." It actually reads in the context of the KJV, “Stand, therefore… [resist or withstand the defeated devil’s attacks, wiles, and deceptions, James 4:7-8,] having shod [shoed] your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace…”  This is readiness or willingness to proclaim the Truth of the Gospel as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18-20, which differs drastically from their so-called ‘shoes of peace.’

Ephesians 6:15 is actually a twofold commandment that cuts straight to 1) our obedience to withstand, in our spiritual integrity or allegorical armor, the onslaughts, deceptions, and schemes of the devil, 2) to always be willing to obey Jesus’ commission to proclaim His True Gospel as the Holy Spirit opens up opportunities for us to follow Him, (Mt. 28:18-20.) 

If we are not willing to obey Jesus’ commission to shine His true Light and to be the preserving, purifying salt of the Holy Spirit, we are not “standing” with our “feet shoed in the preparedness to proclaim of the Gospel of peace.”  And so, through our disobedience to Jesus, we lose a major part of our symbolical armor to withstand the onslaughts and deceptions of evil forces, which were completely defeated by Jesus. 

So, Ramirez kicks this important, dual command of God way off base.  His teaching is not what the verse, (which he refers to as “the shoes of peace that defeats Satan,") means. The entire Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement awfully misquotes and abuses Eph. 6:15.  Ramirez teaches his own version of what Joyce Meyer and their other leaders say.  They allege, “’The shoes of peace’ means walking in [unconditional] peace and love with all people…” (Col. 2:9-15.) 

Of course, we must, “as far as possible, and as far as it depends on us, live in peace with all people,” (Rom. 12:18.) But Scripture does not speak of Meyers’ compromising ‘peace.’  Even true Gospel-Peace can only exist with those who sincerely choose to obey Jesus.  And only the full atonement of Jesus in our place could defeat the devil at the crossSo, no matter which way they turn their ‘shoes of peace’ dogma, it still cannot fit anywhere into the truth of Scripture. 
