You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

Origin of the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement and their Superpower, the Tongues Baptism


Renette Vermeulen


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   [Acknowledgement to the person who compiled and published this image]



Subjects discussed in this study 

· The ongoing Scriptural  gifts of the Holy Spirit never ‘ceased’ 

· Historic origins of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement and its ‘saving’ “baptism of tongues”

· Apart from being born and raised in the occult, people get caught in Satanism-Voodooism, and bring it into Christianity 

· A friend brought ex-Satanist John Ramirez’ strange testimony and teachings to my attention 

· The gift of tongues “defeats” Satan in spiritual  “warfare”   - Ramirez

· The devil cannot “touch those who speak in tongues?” - Ramirez

· Is the gift of tongues the “fire” or “special power” of the Holy Spirit?  Ramirez

· Satanists can vex us and take our lives as they please — Ramirez

· Shoes of peace ‘destroy’ Satan?” No, it is written: “Shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace”

· Cursing mosques and other temples, (overlooking evil churches,) and removing them”  - Ramirez

· Demons are behind all sin.  So, Satanists and believers can work with demons and do us a lot of harm


Despite Paul’s comprehensive teachings on all the gifts of the Spirit, the gifts of tongues and prophecy in particular, are terribly misunderstood and abused in Pentecostal/Charismatic and other churches, (1 Corinthians Chapters 12 & 14.)  

Paul commanded in 2 Corinthians 10:6,13, “...Do not think beyond what is written that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other… [Thus,] we will not boast beyond measure, [to teach unscriptural revelations, doctrines, and false spiritual manifestations.]  We will boast within the limits of the sphere which God appointed us… [His True Word.]” 

I do believe in, and experience the Scriptural, Holy-Spirit gift of tongues – just as I believe in, and experience His other wonderful gifts, which “He gives [to each individual believer in the body or Christ] as He [Alone] wills,” (1 Cor. 12:4-11.) 

The Calvinist and other church allegation that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased when the first apostles died, cannot be confirmed anywhere in either New Testament/Covenant Scripture or in practical discipleship of the Lord Christ Jesus.  Instead, all the supernatural, Biblical gifts of the Spirit are clearly described in 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Mark 16:16-18, and the rest of the New Testament — they were even prophesied in the Old Testament in the context of God giving His Holy Spirit’s gifts and servanthood at Pentecost to both male and female!  (Joel 2:28-29 manifested at Pentecost: Acts 2:17-18!) 

The manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit indeed “ceased” in most denominations because they rejected God’s Scriptural rebirth and water baptism of disciples as Jesus demonstrated and commanded, (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; Mt. 3:16-18; 28:18-20!)  Besides their sin to replace Jesus’ water baptism of believers by immersion with an infant sprinkling that makes them into Christian church members, those denominations deliberately reject the Reality and True Gifts of the Holy Spirit without Scriptural evidence or legitimate cause.  So, in their rejection of the Holy Spirit of Bible Scripture, Who is God Himself, (Jn. 4:21-24,) He simply wrote “Ichabod,” (the glory of the Lord has departed,) over them. 

Excluding some frauds, I found numerous accounts of the fact that none of the gifts of the Holy Spirit has “ceased.”  For example: in 176 A.D., the pagan Celsus heard believers speak fluently in unknown tongues. This was so amazing, it was recorded by the theologian Origen.  What’s more, Irenaeus wrote about persecuted believers singing in unknown tongues — which would have left the listeners in awe of the God Whom those martyrs praised while staring a torturous death in the face.  We must not forget, we may also demonstrate the gift of “tongues as a sign to unbelievers” that Jesus “possesses” His believers through His indwelling Holy Spirit, (1 Cor. 14:22; Eph. 1:12-14 KJV.)  How sad is it when we are compelled to demonstrate the Spirit’s gift of tongues as a “sign” to believers — and then they still do not accept the truth of the Word

►►► I sympathize with Jesus’ believers who were disillusioned by Pentecostal teachings and practicesSo many of them now follow the Calvinist (and other church) trend to reject the gifts of the Holy Spirit, (1 Ths. 5:19-22; Eph. 4:29-30.)  Yet, throwing the proverbial “baby out with the bathwater” does not solve the problem.  Understanding what we were up against in the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement, is the key to growth in the truth of Jesus’ Word, and in every other situation of our lives, (Rom. 12:1-2.)  The Lord promised, “[If you ask and seek] you will know the truth, and the truth [about all things] will set you free.”  Thus, it is necessary to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into “all truth,” (Jn. 16:12-14.)  God will never give us poison when we ask for bread. “God empowers, He doesn’t overpower.  We have sober, conscious control over our minds and human spirits.”  Most importantly, the Spirit will always glorify Jesus.  He will never use wild, compulsive manifestations to disgrace Him, (1 Cor. 12:1-11; 14:32!)      

►►► God’s gift of tongues cannot be “demonic,” but demons can speak in counterfeit tongues, (1 Cor. 12:1-11.) As I will prove in this study, the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement places Jesus’ Scripturally born again believers in dreadful danger by forcing their “experience” of an artificial, ecstatic “tongues baptism” as “part of their salvation” on them.  To conform to those churches, many believers even pretend to speak in tongues, “Ba-ba-ba; em-em-em; purrrr…”  Even worse, because they disobey God to “test the spirits,” submit to false authority, false dogma, and counterfeit spiritual practices, they are in danger of receiving demonic tongues, which they believe, come from God, (1 Ths. 5:21-22, 1 Cor. 12:1-11!)  

True tongues, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that “He gives [only] as He wills,” (1 Cor. 12:4-11; 27-31,) are fluent, humanly incomprehensible languages, which are always under control of the user, (1 Cor. 14:32; 1 Pt. 1:13.) The Spirit’s “heavenly languages,” as described in the Bible, function as direct spiritual communication between believers and God Himself, (1 Cor. 13:1-3; 14:2.)  Yet, we must still “test” everything because of the demonic conversations between people in tongues, etcetera, which preachers like Kenneth Copeland manifest. Such blasphemers cause those who reject the unending gifts of the Holy Spirit to call His gift of tongues “glossolalia,” which means, “senseless demonic babble.”  Such rejection of the REAL gifts of the Spirit is blasphemy against Him.  It “quenches” His work, corrupts His Scriptural truth, and “grieves” Him, (1 Ths. 5:19-22; Eph 5:29-30.)  In fact, those who were NOT personally and Scripturally reborn through faith in Jesus Christ, (spiritually unregenerated people,) hardly ever accept the Spirit’s miracles and gifts.  “The carnal man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for it is foolishness to him because they are spiritually discerned...” (1 Cor. 2:11-16.) 



I searched far and wide to bring the most reliable information on this subject to the table.  A video by Ryan Reeves towered above the rest; thank you Ryan. 

As recorded in the Book of Acts, confusion ran rife among the first believers after the once-off indwelling of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  The expanding revelation of Jesus’ New Covenant was brought to the assemblies by Paul, about 14 years after he came to Christ, (Acts 2; Gal. 2:1; Eph. 1:12-14!)  It seems that before then, these explanations were not available to Jesus’ body of believers, and misinterpretation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit confused the believers, (1 Cor. 12:1-11.) 

So, the first believers also misunderstood Jesus’ mystical baptism with the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, (Mt. 28:19-20; 3:11-12; Jn. 1:12-14; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; Rom. 8:9! Gal. 4:6-7!) 

►►► As most still do today, they often confused the “apostolic age” after Pentecost with Jesus’ ministry under the Old Testament Covenant before He died, was resurrected, and ascended into heaven.  Jesus’ ministry to the Hebrews was before His establishment of the New Testament Covenant on Golgotha and before Pentecost, when He sent the Holy Spirit to, for the first time in all of history, constantly indwell His blood-cleansed temple of believers, (Jn. 7:39, 1 Cor. 3:16-17 KJV.) 

►►► During the Old Testament Covenant, the Spirit “came upon” certain believers, but He did not indwell them.  So, they also related Jesus’ Baptism with the Holy Spirit to the apostles’ laying on of hands to pray for the manifestation of God’s gifts from the already indwelling Holy Spirit, (2 Tim. 1:6.) In addition, they confused the different gifts that “follow” ALL personally born again, water baptised disciples, (tongues in particular,) with the ecstatic pagan experiences when heathens are progressively possessed by more and stronger demons, (1 Cor. 12:1-11; Mark 16:16-18; 1 Jn. 2:20, 27.) 

►► As a result, they believed they had to be “continually filled” with the Spirit and experience great ‘hypes’ each time the Spirit supposedly “descends on them.”  Yet, John declared, “...God does not give His Spirit by measure, [every now and again; step by step, or in part,]” (Jn. 3:34.)  1 John 2:20,27, “The anointing [the Spirit Himself] which you received from [Jesus at your rebirth] abides [or stays continuously] in you…”

Þ Paul explained in 1 Corinthians 12 & 14, “Concerning spiritual gifts… I do not want you to be ignorant…  You were Gentiles [led by demonic spirits.  But now, do not relate the anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit to those experiences: 12:1-3.]  There are diversities of gifts… and ministries, but the same [constantly, fully indwelling] Spirit.. gives all this for the profit of all… as He [Alone] wills…  [So,] do all have gifts of healings?  DO ALL SPEAK WITH TONGUES...?” (1 Jn. 2:20;27; 1 Cor. 12:1-11; 27-31.)

It is occultic to focus on one gift such as tongues to make it into a ‘superior, super’ gift that outshines all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit.  All the gifts of the Spirit work together “as He wills” to edify Jesus’ blood-cleansed body of believers. 


►►►  Tragically, the dawn of the Pentecostal Movement pivoted on the deception that the gifts of the Holy Spirit “ceased in 100 A.D. after the last apostle, John the Beloved, died.”  By 1900, it’s founders insisted that “the church” must have “a new Pentecost Revival: a so-called [second] outpouring of the Spirit as described in Acts chapter 2; evidenced by the speaking in tongues,” which actually ‘proves the salvation’ in Jesus Christ!  (Read what Jesus said in Mt. 7:15-16!) 

This dangerous lie forces one to ask, When and Why did the Spirit leave His temple of true believers, the body of Christ?  If a ‘second’ Pentecost were possible at the turn of the 19th century, it could only have happened if Jesus annulled His New Testament Covenant with believers, (Acts 2:16-21.) 

· But Paul declared in Romans 8:9, “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His.”  This means, if the Spirit ‘left’ His temple, the blood-cleansed body of believers, no one could been saved since 100 A.D. when the last apostle died.  So, did Jesus lie when He promised at His ascension that He will be [in] and with all His disciples “until the end of the world?” (Mt. 29:19-20.)  Where are such serious allegations documented in the truthful context of New Testament Scripture and substantiated, not by gift-rejecting denominations, but by true history

The manifestation of the Spirit’s gifts only ceased in man-made churches once the religion of Christianity, the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church, was established.  Jesus’ promise in Matthew 28:19-20 refers only to true disciples, who were water baptized as per Jesus’ example, and taught to obey everything He has said.  The church with its false dogmas, norms, and forms began to replace the ecclesia, the gathering of Jesus’ first disciples, during the latter part of the 1st century A.D.  “The Way,” as the ecclesia was called, was first changed to “Christianity” at Antioch, (Acts 7:48; 9:2; 22:4: 24:14; 19:9, 23, 11:19-26!)  When Christianity was turned into the official State religion of Rome under Caesar Constantine in 4 A.D., Mary worship ruled the Christian church system, but not the persecuted “Way,” the true body of Christ, or the Holy Spirit’s ecclesia:, the gatherings of “The Way!”  Thus, Jesus’ true believers were persecuted and murdered on all fronts. 

Among sincere believers who adhered to Jesus’ commandment to baptise believing disciples, neither the Scriptural indwelling of the Spirit, nor the manifestation of His real gifts ever ceased, (Mark 16:16-18.)  As recorded in Hebrews chapter 11 and through the ages, sincere believers were immensely persecuted and oppressed by the Christian church system. During the Middle Ages, the Calvinist-Lutheran inquisitions, with the help of ruling monarchs and the Mother Church of Rome, also brutally tortured to death, hundreds at a time, those who followed Jesus through His Scriptural truth, and especially because they obeyed His commandment to water baptise sincere believers by submersion, (Mt. 28:18-20 Mt. 3:16!) 


►►►  The continuance of the Spirit’s gifts through the ages prove that the Pentecostal Movement was not made from Biblical beginnings.  It originated from the Holiness Movement and Methodism, where John Wesley taught “the first stage” of salvation by faith in Christ, and then the “second stage” of salvation that led to holiness and perfection, called ‘sanctification.” 

However, John Wesley and Pentecostals missed Jesus’ vital truth that declares, “He [completely] delivered [personally born again believers] from the power of darkness and [fully] conveyed [or placed them] into His [Spiritual] Kingdom…”  (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; 1 Pt. 2:9-10; Col. 1:13-14.)  Hence, salvation, redemption, blessing, and holiness are not attributes of ritualized religion, which believers must earn or achieveThese God-given “benefits” describe the spiritual position that all sincere, born again believers constantly occupy in Jesus from the first moment they accept Him, (Gal. 4:6-7; Jn. 18:36.)  Paul explained in Gal. 2:19-21, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ, [through His indwelling Holy Spirit,] lives in me…”  Jesus does not hover over believers; they are wholly in Jesus and His Kingdom is “within” them, (Lu. 17:20-21, KJV.)

Therefore, all true believers are already “complete in Christ,” (Col. 2:10; Gal. 3:10-14.)  All true believers are “saints not “saved sinners.”  True believers cannot get “more saved,” “more redeemed,” “more blessed,” “more holy,” or “more of the Holy Spirit.”  All that has to be continually “renewed” are their “thoughts” or “minds” to “know the perfect will of God,” so they can be doers of His Word; glorifying His Name by striving to obey His Word in Holy-Spirit leading, (Rom. 12:1-2.) 


►►►  Nevertheless, in its fetal stage, Pentecostalism was typified by Jesus’ Gospel of salvation: they could only be saved by personal faith in, and acceptance of Jesus.  Then, they had to follow Him in obedience to the Scriptural water baptism of disciples, (Mt. 28:19-20.)  After that, repentance from immorality and worldliness had to become a lifestyle, while they magnified His Name through charitable works and Godly praise and worship, as found in Psalms 149-150.  “Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of [blood-cleansed, believing] saints.  Praise His Name [with Holy Spirit inspired not worldly] dance; sing praises to Him with the timbrel, harp… trumpet, flute, stringed instruments [like guitars and violins,] flutes, cymbals…” 

Because of this Core-Gospel preaching, striving towards holiness, and their passionate praise and worship, since 1900, they harvested 500 million God-hungry souls from all over the world, (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; Mt. 28:19-20.)  It was there where I first heard the Gospel, coming from a Calvinist background.  The water baptism of believers followed the rebirth.  And because I, by His grace,  ‘unwittingly’ “tested the spirits” by asking God to show me the truth about speaking in tongues, a few days after water baptism, the Spirit “naturally” manifested this gift through me, just as explained in Mark 16:16-18.  Worryingly, the pastor remarked that “God made a mistake to ‘baptize me “in” the Spirit’ at home and not at church!” 


►►►  As said, at the turn of the 19th century, in its final stage of development before its birth, Pentecostalism was guided by the deception that “the gifts of the Spirit had ceased with the death of the apostles.”  Thus, they began insisting on “a new Pentecost: a second outpouring of the Holy Spirit, [allegedly] ‘evidenced’ by the manifestation of tongues as in Acts Chapter 2.” 

Þ After that, in 1901, the Pentecostal Movement was officially born – but it was established on sinking sand, dragging Jesus’ blood-cleansed, personally born again disciples to just another Scripture-compromising, manmade church level.  As every other denomination or division of the Roman Catholic Church, this Movement, after using the Bible to draw in disciples, then set out to make them slaves to their new-found church system. 

At present, Pentecostalism is in its “Fourth Wave” of spiritual decline called “Charismatic Hermeneutics,” as it drifts further and further away from Scriptural, Holy-Spirit truth.  Their “hermeneutics” means, “broad or general, non specific interpretations of Scripture.”  This ‘justifies’ disobedience to the God of the Bible to “be the Bible; be the Light, be Christ...” 

Þ Hence, they are now calling for a “fourth Pentecost” to “save the whole world” through their so-called “river of anointing,” not through the preaching of Jesus’ Gospel.  All this is the result of building another global church on  “lawlessness,” (Matthew. 7:21-24;) typified by false spiritual manifestations, satanic chaos, and masonic teaching, controlled by greedy, power-crazed clergy and even so-called Roman Catholicbishops!” 


►►►This “Fourth Wave” of Charismaticism might never have come into being if it weren’t for one catastrophic catalyst

Þ In 1901, the main doctrine of Pentecostalism was brought into this world — a special “super charm” that plays on the sinful, self-enriching, power-seeking nature of all those, who were not truly “crucified with Christ,” (Gal. 2:19-21.) 

Þ The medium that conjured up this “special super-charm” was the “godfather” of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement, Charles Fox Parham, (1973-1929.)  Parham established a new, worldwide church denomination on one abysmal doctrine; severing two of Pentecostalism’s main Biblical roots in the process, (Col. 2:10; 1 Cor. 6:15-20.) 

►►► Before that, Charles Parham, deviating drastically from Scriptural truth, actually “rewrote” God’s six-day creation to justify his racism.  In addition to teaching the masonic dogma of British Israelism, (the o-called elite, lost, ten tribes of Israel,) he taught that God made all the non-white races on the sixth day of creation.  But on the eighth day, [how silly; there were only 6 days of creation and the 7th day that God rested,] God allegedly created the supreme, white race to rule over all the other races. 

Þ Yet, most hypocritically, he used one of his African-American followers, William Joseph Seymour, to spread his newly established religion called “Pentecostalism.”  This is how William Seymour became the “father” of all the chaos that gradually escalated through Parham’s “special super charm.”  By executing the “Azusa Street Revival,” Seymour began to minister mightily to God-seeking and power-hungry people of all races; eventually drawing in millions from across the globe. 


►►► To establish the “super charm” that launched Pentecostalism worldwide, Charles Fox Parham substituted Jesus’ salvation through the personal rebirth of believers with his own version of church salvation, (Jn. 1:12-13;3:3-5.) 

Þ Jesus saves by 1.) Believers’ acceptance of Him and His Completed Work  of Redemption.  2.) Jesus’ Baptism with the Spirit by placing the Spirit inside born again believers at the moment they accept Him, (Col. 2:9-10; 1 Cor. 6:19.) 

Þ Parham saves by 1.) The laying on of hands some time after accepting Jesus.  2.) Resulting in a compulsory, utterly ecstatic, superpower “experience” or “baptism ‘in’ the holy spirit; ‘evidenced’ by speaking in tongues

With this superpower ‘experience,’ Parham effectively nullified Jesus’ baptism “with” the Holy “Spirit,” (placing the constantly indwelling Holy Spirit, the “Spring of Life,” “within believers,” Jn. 4:14 KJV.)  Then, he officially established his “baptism ‘in’ the ‘holy spirit’” as the new “baptism of salvation,” (placing all his church members ‘in’ the ‘river of the holy spirit,’ where they must continually ‘be filled’ with the spirit; ‘evidenced’ by ecstatically speaking in tongues.) 

Þ The manifestation of tongues with the ‘baptism in the holy spirit’ supposedly ‘proved’ that the ‘holy spirit’ can ‘now be given’ by mere mortal ‘christs’ like Parham.  This new baptism is so ‘powerful,’ it allegedly “returned” the so-called “lost gift” of speaking in tongues to humanity!  Suddenly, Pentecostals were the “Haves;” the ‘exclusively saved,’ “chosen generation” who had this “special power.”  The poor Have-Nots were the ones who had “nothing.” 

►►► Parham’s doctrine is so entrenched in the minds of Pentecostals, they actually ‘adjusted’ Jesus’ declaration in Mark 16:16 to go like this, “He who believes and is baptized [“in the spirit with the evidence of tongues,”] will be saved; but he who does not [receive this superpower-baptism of tongues,] will be condemned.” 

Þ This is one of the most blasphemous lies I have ever heard.  Jesus, by His own example, commanded the water baptism of disciples in Mt. 28:19-20 and in Mark 16:16-18.  According to the reaction of the believers in Acts when they accepted Jesus through the truth of His Gospel, (Acts 8:35-38 KJV,) they all obeyed and taught the water baptism in Mark 16:16 and Mt. 28:19-20.  This commandment of Jesus at His ascension was, still is, and for as long as there are believers on earth, will always be the water baptism of believing disciples.     

►►►  At first, Pentecostal clergy only gave this baptism by the laying on of hands.  Some Pentecostal churches, quite orderly but still severely deceived, still adhere to this rule.  But generally, anyone can now ‘get’ this baptism through their Charismatic ‘river of anointing’ when their clergy touch, kick, blow, wave, click their fingers, or flap their jackets over people, who then manifest tongues, as well as the most chaotic and unbiblical spirits imaginable. 

They now also allege that people do not have to hear the Gospel of Christ to be saved; they must just “believe in god in the way they understand him.”  But this is not the God of the Bible.  It is “another Jesus,” the false ‘cosmic christ’ of ecumenical Roman Catholic Christianity, who teaches universalism, or “anyone can choose how they will be saved,” (2 Cor. 11:4, 14, KJV.)  Still, this “super experience” is allegedly a ‘better’ or ‘higher’ salvation.  Those who were thus “filled with the holy spirit,” are allegedly “more saved and more holy,” and “on a higher Christian level” than those who did not “experience” this “baptism.”  One drawback of this “filling” is that it does not last.  Hence, the successive “outpourings or baptisms ‘in’ the holy spirit.” 

